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My name is Tyrious. Most people shorten that down to Ty which is cool. Three syllables suck sometimes. Anyway I started playing FFXIV back in the early fall, leveled a bit, and then stopped due to some personal conflicts. I've recently come back and I've discovered this site.


Here's some basic information


--MMORPG background: I've been playing SWTOR since December 2012 but now I'm playing this as well. 



--RP experience: I've been RPing in TOR since I started. I've helped run a couple RP guilds and contributed plenty of original content. I've also been engaging in pure text based RP for about 7 months.



--Character ideas/info: Tyrious Arrowen is a 25 year old male Hyur Midlander. He was born on the 3rd Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon and his guardian sign is Rhalgr. Tyrious was always a brash rebel growing up. At the age of 14 he ran away and joined a band of slavers. The cruelty and destruction they imposed upon innocents fed into his primal desires. At the age of 23, Tyrious inadvertently aided his allies in sacking his home village. His parents were slaughtered and his sister was taken. It was that moment that Tyrious had realized the error of his ways, and turned on his former allies. He was mortally wounded and left for dead. In his final moment, a cloaked woman approached him and used magic to bring him back from the brink of death. Tyrious has spent the past 2 years searching for both his sister and the woman who saved his life. He's become a bit of a righteous sellsword in the process. Guilt over his past actions often implore him to help those in need, though his past gives him the potential to excel in less than savory work. 



--How did you learn about the coalition?: Found it when I googled "FFXIV RP"



--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy? Heavy



--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc) I'm recently out of High School so I'm just working part time at a pizza joint right now. I have plans to register for the next Fall quarter at my community college. Writing is my biggest hobby and passion, so I've been juggling career options as an English teacher, or maybe a Social Worker (I like to help people).



Oh yeah, I'm also based on the Balmung server. I think that is relevant information. Anyway thank you for reading. I hope to establish myself as a valuable member of this community. 

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