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The Sandwalkers


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[align=center]The Sandwalkers[/align]




OOC Information


Hello everyone!


To be brief, the Sandwalkers are a Free Company dedicated to two things: Good progression for everyone, and Quality RP. Members of the company can expect to receive help when they need it, and are expected to return the favor so that everyone benefits from this gathering! We strive to keep everyone active with structured gameplay events like:


Dungeon Nights (Running dungeons like Amdapor Keep, Pharos Sirius, Brayflox Longstop, and even level 15 dungeons like Copperbell mines.)


Raiding Nights (For things like Binding Coil of Bahamut.)


Crafting Parties (Where players can request items to be made, traded, or repaired.)


Roleplay Events (RP Work for the Adventurer's Guild, IC Free Company meetings, etc)


Other events could be organized by the members of the company, only the sky is the limit!


It is worth noting that we will be focusing more on player progression and endgame more than most RP Free Companies would.


Sandwalkers Contacts Linkshell


The Sandwalkers Contacts linkshell is meant for friends of the Free Company or prospective members to use. Anyone can take one as long as they're not distruptive, and good members of the Linkshell can be invited directly to join the Free Company. The Linkshell is treated as IC, so ()'s or an equivalent are required if speaking OOCly.


Edrigeant Pasteur leaves these pearls out in the Adventurer's Guild for people to take, so feel free to just /tell Edrigeant Pasteur or any member of the Free Company for one.


IC Information


The Sandwalkers are an adventurer's Free Company based out of Ul'Dah. Their primary goal is to carry out the work of an adventurer and simultaneously improve the standing of Ul'Dah and the Sultana. The Sandwalkers name the Monetarists, Garlean Empire, and Tempered Beastmen among their enemies. Adventurers from other city-states are welcome to join the Sandwalkers so long as they vow to uphold the Sandwalker creed.


Men and Women of Ul'Dah and Eorzea alike, I bid you welcome to walk in the sand with us. Let your steel sing through the air, and let the mist of aether fill your lungs deep. 


This is a calling for Adventurers loyal to Ul'Dah and the Sultana to band together and work towards the betterment of our land and rightful ruler. As one of us you can expect to always have comrades to fight at your side or tend your wounds. You can expect to wander and work freely as you always have, but with the benefits of our company at your back. Do you wish to improve the lives of Ul'Dahns and Eorzeans while making a living of it? Contact Edrigeant Pasteur through one of the linkpearls in the jar below and ride with us to your destiny.


(Found in the Ul'Dah adventurer's guild)




As a representative of the Free Company, you are expected to behave appropriately to other players.


Offensive speak such as homophobic remarks, racial/ethnic slurs, etc are not permitted.


Lorebreaking is not permitted, lorebending is heavily discouraged and really should not ever be done.


Yours or anyone's ERP escapades if any are not to be discussed.


Members must remain active within the Free Company at a reasonable level, anyone who is inactive for a long period of time without giving notice will be ejected from the Free Company.

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