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POST SECRET/MYSTERY PENPALS (ongoing forum event)


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This is an ongoing event~





Hi, guys! I know a lot of us are busy trying to juggle RP time with game progression. I, personally, love and want to do both and I don't want to neglect my characters by only leveling. So...


My alt, Saachi, is doing an ongoing Mystery Penpal RP. Here's the basics:


Saachi has left 3 letters, one in each of the starting zones of Eorzea, hidden somewhere. These letters are requests for penpals, secret friends. 


I began the event on the Driftwood Coast forums at this address:






But I want to RP however I can with you! Feel free to respond to one of the letters over PM here if you wish. I will respond to any letters ICly as Saachi. Then, if we end up meeting in game, the characters already have a connection...


The letters request that responses go to the front desk of the inns at the three starting cities and that you tell her where you would like your letter left in response.



Locations of the letters that she left are:









Each letter is slightly different. If you are curious about the differences you can see the contents of the hidden letters on the original post:





I look forward to RPing with you! I hope we learn about one another's characters at a time and pace that doesn't feel too forced or rushed for time!




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