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The White Lotus

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Ever has there been a need for those willing to go the extra ilm, to lend a hand up to those that are down, and to see that those with a need are helped. We strive to fill such a need. weather it is with clothing, advice or just a friendly ear to your troubles, we are here to help.


((We are first and foremost an RP FC, built on the idea that you don't have to go and do momentous deeds to make a difference in someones life (or just their game play). We strive to help those that are in need while also exploring what the world has to offer. There is room for Big Damn heroes, to those that sit alone all day and make things for others. We are a neutral aligned guild meaning that we accept those of the good persuasion to those that have a darker side. We are sorry however that the truly evil have no place amongst us, as they are not likely to go and help random strangers. If you are interests or would like to know more please feel free to speak with anyone flying our FC tag, they can point you to the right people if they themselves are not it. (As an RP FC RP may be required at times and is requested as often as possible.)


If you are interested in joining Please feel free to message in game Alieral Mortese Or Ailorna Eveningsong. We look forward to hearing from you!

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