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Phoenix Down :: An IC Linkshell for Disciples of Magic


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Phoenix Down is an in-character linkshell for members of the Gilgamesh RP community to join for the discussion of all things aetheric!



It's an invite-only linkshell, but we want to make sure no one's left out! It's still in the early planning stages, but as long as you meet these simple qualifications, you're practically a shoe-in!



Founders: Framboise Zakuro and Kalen Cook



Target Audience: Those with an IC focus on magic discipleship. You are perfectly welcome to have in-character classes in the discipleship of war, of course! But if your character is a warrior by trade who simply has magic in their arsenal, this may not be the RP for you. :)



How Do I Join: Get in touch with me or Kalen, comment here - we'll arrange an IC scene where they can get you the pearl!




TROLOLOL you guys are the 'downers'-- Yeah, maybe we did that on purpose. ;) Go ahead and tease us, we're Phoenixes tyvm!



Questions? Comments? Ideas?!


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Greetings Mippa,


Have you considered making an entry at


To drum up attention as well?


I know quite a few people are thrown into the linkshell hall when they arrive so it might help increase visibility.


Just a thought, and good luck, hopefully plenty of interesting people will join up!


As far as Ideas, Hrm,

Well if you do a linkshell hall entry post, perhaps an outline of the people already involved and what they bring into it so people could see if they compliment the existing staff.


Maybe a "what we want to do over the coming week-months if things take off" so that even the roughest of long term ideas can stew in the back of the aetherically minded.


Just some thoughts~

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Happy to help,


Perhaps a compilation of some of the resources you already have for people to reference?


I use a mixture of


Gamer Escape

And personal Lore notes/screen shots i've kept from 1.0 going forward, but maybe you have some central places you'd like people to use as a baseline to make sure everyones on the same page.

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