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Xzen's Daz Stuff


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Hello there peeps :) Decided I'd share one of my other hobbies with the board, and maybe get some critique. I have no skill with drawing, but another friend introduced me to this 3d program called Daz Studio last spring, and I've decided to run with it, creating characters of mine and others, even won a contest in July. I haven't done anything Final Fantasy related yet, but I've begun giving it a shot. The program is limiting in that I can't create a 3d model and texture myself yet, but have to use what others make.


But eh, its fun, kinda like a puzzle :mrgreen:


Well I hope people enjoy em, I've done a lot so I'll just post a link for now. This is a FF site, so the FF images will go up here :)


Xzenivar's Deviant Page

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