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A Lancer Reborn -- The adventure continues!


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I'm a bit late with the intro, since I've been playing Final Fantasy XIV proper for a week and a half already-- more like gunning it because I must try to get that Bohemian's Coat!


Anyhow, it's been an enjoyable return to Gilgamesh thus far. The server was where I played through some of the PS3 beta test prior to the release of the game and the decision to make it the secondary RPC server (I remember reading through the discussions back on the test forums), though now I'm using an actual computer for the real thing. My current character, Kroemgarr Hollborgsyn, is essentially my 2.0 of the character I used for beta.


Now, for the thing you're all probably most interested in: my RP experience. Truth be told, while XIV isn't the first MMORPG I've had the ability to play, it *is* the first of such I've been hands-on with in the traditional fantasy genre. Most of my online activity in terms of gameplay and RP for the past five years have been in superhero games like City of Heroes (before it closed down, mind), and Champions Online, where I've enjoyed creating a wide variety of original (thematically-appropriate!) character concepts. I also previously hosted several forum roleplay sessions on Kingdom Hearts Ultimania's clan forums-- though MMOs have largely killed my desire to play-by-post (or rather, any kind of substantial writing) these days.


As for XIV, it's difficult to say for the moment how involved in RP I want to get because of how different this is to the environment I'm used to (where more or less anything goes if it's comic-worthy). And perhaps I take some things related to RP and theme a little too seriously these days.


Can't deny I'm itching to find Kroemgarr's voice at least. Perhaps I can catch some people around and put it to use for a little while!


Keep fighting, adventurers!

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Hello~ Hello~ Welcome to the RPC Austratus


Never too late to make an introduction!! And its good to see a CoH refugee trucking around and fighting the good fight. While most of my experience is in the fantasy genre [both mmo and otherwise] i'll admit Champions had a certain charm to it, Kind of like early SWG.


Anywho, nice to hear you've rejoined the game and are going strong on Gilgamesh! I'd like to share a few things with you that will hopefully help you get an idea of the community, maybe you'll meet some people, jump into a forum discussion, all that jazz.



This welcome post should give you a good idea of what the RPC is all about, and some of the tools we have hear for you to use in your quest for roleplaying [The calendar particularly, this Saturday are two events on Gilgamesh.]


If you'd like to keep a little reference on hand, want to brush up on some terms, or see how some other Eorzeans go about their business the RP handbook by Eva is an excellent resource:


Though i'd recommend checking out the index hidden at the top so you can skip to the areas you find of interest, its quite the text!


I've got two example groups i'd like to share with you that you might find at least a passing interest in. Both are pulled straight from the Gilgamesh section of the linkshell hall.


"Coalition" is an OOC hub for players to talk, meet, arrange RP interactions and just get to know each other. Great at all times of day and will all sorts of styles you'll hopefully be able to get your feet wet here.


And if you'd like to get your character into some interactions there's a "sister" group of a sort called "Limitless Sky"


that serves as an IC hub of characters themselves.


Buuut maybe thats a bit much. Please keep in mind that there are many here who are willing to help with all sorts of things, be it providing a critique of a wiki entry, a suggestion for a cast macro or just letting you know where theres a gathering tonight.


Best of luck in Eorzea! :cactuar:

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I think I've looked at a couple of these things already, but it doesn't hurt to keep things on hand. I'll have to poke around for the OOC linkshell at least, that way I can stop being anti-social :P

Really, I thought my jump to the PC version would have fixed this, but it turns out I'm even quieter than I was without a keyboard!



Anyhow, thanks for the welcome! Hope to make myself at home for a while.

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Welcome to the RPC and welcome back to Gilgamesh.  ^^


Please feel free to find me in-game, and likewise, I'll keep a lookout for you.  


Limsa was our hotspot for some time, but the hotspots are gradually moving more towards the housing areas and even a bit to Ul'dah.  They seem to change by the night, these days!

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Hello Austratus. Might you remember me from your City of Heroes days as a hero days as Albert Drakinsky? :D (If I recall correctly, you played someone named Malleable Mechanic?)


Anyhow, welcome to FF14: ARR! Unfortunately, I play on Balmung so we may not see each other but I'm glad more City of people are showing up here! This is a great game with an awesome community.

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Hello Austratus and welcome to the RPC! Us Gilgameshers (??) are happy to have you, and it sounds like you've got a good chunk of experience under you, too!


I play Framboise Zakuro in game, and should you ever want to voice-test or even be thrown into some RP (be it one-on-one or in a group), feel free to shoot me /tell anytime!


We've got some great events planned out for March, so check out the Events Calendar and maybe even the Linkshell Hall if you want to get more involved!


Hope to see you around!

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Well, color me a bit surprised to hear from a handful of CoH vagrants! One and all, the welcomes are appreciated~

Edalyne - Good thing I have access to all the housing areas!


Cedric - Well, if it isn't Denji! That was a pretty spot-on guess you had there, I am indeed one and the same as you have recalled. But I wonder... how am I *that* recognizable? Heh.


Mippa - Experience is a blessing and a curse, I assure you. :P

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