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Fitzwilliam Braddock

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I. Basic Info



  • Characters: Fitzwilliam Braddock
  • Primary character: Fitzwilliam Braddock
  • Linkshells: Driftwood Coast
  • Primary RP linkshell: Driftwood Coast


II. RP Style



  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
    I am one who vastly enjoys heavy RP whenever and wherever I can get it.  Of course, some days I have little time to play, so even a bit of light RP is nice in a tavern or to talk.  I'm up for it in any situation at all; crafting, exploring, dungeons, etc.

  • Views on RP combat and injuries:
    I enjoy confrontational RP immensely.  Fitz is a soldier and has been since he was a young boy.  He has his scars, mental and physical.  I am fine with those who want to get into a scrap with him (as he is a Captain in the Brass Blades and part of the Immortal Flames) through villian RP (robbings, muggings, murder plots etc) since he is one to follow the law and orders.  So if you have plots for murder mysteries, artefacts stolen, missing people do let me know!  In that regard, I am also big on OOC communication.  Please speak to me in anything RPwise can hurt my character or in turn yours.

  • Views on IC romance:
    ICly, Fitz has sworn off romances and such relationships when he was 21.  So RPly I am not looking for them.  That does not mean your character cannot have a crush on him.  It can be amusing since he is not very good at reacting to such, especially in public.  Right now, he is in a 'relationship' in regards to it being deeper but is long term.

  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
    This is tough.  Fitz was born an only child, so has no siblings.  I don't know much on the rest of his family as I am still writing that out.  So I would have to pass on that at this time, but if you have an idea on how to mesh something with Fitz, don't be afraid to tell me.

  • Views on lore:
    Though I try not to be a total stickler to lore, I am doing my best to base much of my RP on it.  It is hard, since Fitz is Garlean and there isn't much out there at this time.  I RP and go with whatever is brought to me unless it is so outlandish.  But I do my best to keep openminded.

  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
    I keep IC as much as I can in all channels, unless the majority are OOC speaking in nature (public channels like zonewide etc).

III. Other Info

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  • 5 months later...

Hello everyone,


I tried my best to contact everyone that I had known in FF14, after the fact of leaving DWC due to a disagreement.


I see that DWC has also disbanded which is sad to see. I did enjoy my time there.


I wanted to give a shoutout to people I knew and hope to all have a good time wherever you find yourself.


I thought to upload the pics that Aimo made for Fitz, as there were some people didn't see.


This will be the last time I visit here. Thank you all for letting me have a wonderful time RPing in FF14. I wish you all the best!













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I'm definitely disappointed that I never got to have much of a chance to RP with you because of what happened, since your departure was so sudden. Best of luck wherever you go (even if you don't read this~).

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