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Introductory post! from me :)


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--MMORPG background

originally, I RP'd in City of Heroes (Virtue server), and then more in Star wars the old republic, Ebon Hawk server. I dabbled in other non-rp mmorpgs like DCUO, Champions, Ragnarok Online, Aion, Final Fantasy XI.


--RP experience

City of heroes, SWTOR, various web-pages.


--Character ideas/info

Rorin comes from a family of primarily apothecaries and jewelry-makers. He, like his birth mother is gifted in arcane arts, able to manifest aetheric energy into elemental essences(summoning), this started at a very young age, and he has been studying and training in it more every day. He also studies alchemy very closely.

He was raised by a Hyur family, the Mormerils, who adopted him into their family when he was lost from his original people. Rorin is highly educated and has high tastes, but also has a surprisingly care-free, playful nature about him. He is curious, and loves to learn about things, marking detailed information on herbs, beasts, weather conditions, and various alchemic calculations (Recently, he has [accidentally] succeeded in artificially creating a living slime).


--How did you learn about the coalition?

From my Current FC and Linkshells.

--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

Medium, I would say. I RP when it comes to me (I'm new to the game so I'm learning everything, but will probably RP more...this game is too stunning to not take advantage of it)

--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)


I am currently in school for film production and used to do fashion modeling but I stopped when I moved down south (florida for now).

I like animals, I like final fantasy, I may have an unhealthy obsession with moogles.

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Hello! Glad to see another player on Gilgamesh! If you're interested in more IC interaction, Framboise Zakuro (my character) is an Archmage and founder of an In-Character Linkshell called Phoenix Down. We'd love to have you join us! We've had some fun RP so far and are hoping for more, as we're relatively new!

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