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What did I Miss?

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So I haven't played FFXIV in a while since I had it on my PS3. I'm getting it on my PS4 very soon in the next couple days though so YAY! I was curious about a few things however: 


  • Did I miss the opportunity to visit the Aesthetician and try the new hairstyles? Is Lightning's hair still obtainable along with the outfits? 
  • Is there Black Dye for outfits anywhere? 
  • Could I get some type of Solider Armor that Cloud Strife wears with the sleeves and all? 
  • Individual Player Housing isn't out yet right? Only Free Company housing? 
  • How is the Role Playing Community now since the launch of the game? What about in Gilgamesh and Balmung?
  • Has Sub. cards been issued in retail stores yet? 

[align=center]And that's all I have for the moment anyway. I appreciate it! Thankies![/align]

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Did I miss the opportunity to visit the Aesthetician and try the new hairstyles? Is Lightning's hair still obtainable along with the outfits?


The Aesthetician is a quest unlock, and they do periodically add new hairstyles (we got 4 in patch 2.2). However, if you didn't already get it, all of the Lightning Returns stuff is currently not obtainable, and may never be again.


Is there Black Dye for outfits anywhere?


Soot Black Dye is, I believe, the darkest dye currently available. It's crafted, so you'll have to get it off the auction board.


Could I get some type of Solider Armor that Cloud Strife wears with the sleeves and all?


I don't think there's anything like that in game. :)


Individual Player Housing isn't out yet right? Only Free Company housing?


That's correct.


How is the Role Playing Community now since the launch of the game? What about in Gilgamesh and Balmung?


Both Gilgamesh and Balmung have a solid RP community; there's some scattered RPers on other servers, but those two are where you'll find most RPers. I recommend either making a character on both servers to see which one you like better, or choosing the one that has characters or an FC you'd like to join or RP with.

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That was from a seasonal event that should recur later on this year. So, you should be able to get them a little later on. Also, there's a veteran reward for swimwear (Cascadier Uniform voucher).


Basically, if the item was from a promotional event (Lightning Returns, Dragon Quest VII, FFXI, etc.), it's probably not going to be obtainable again for a while if ever. If it was from a seasonal event, you should be able to get it the next time the event comes around.

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