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Macros? :3

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What would be some good Macros to have? I also had a few questions about them as well as follows: 

  •  I made one for Sprinting, but I was wondering how in the world would I stop it if I'm not using it anymore?All I do usually is hit my "S" key to halt in place but I still see the Sprint actions being activated.
  • Is there a way of resetting a Macro Command so I wouldn't have to re hit the button?
  • Could I get some assistance with Marking enemies for "Binding" or "Attacking"? What are the Mark commands for Macros and is there a way I can Mark multiple enemies with different things fast? I.e. Bind 1 on enemy 1, Attack 1 on enemy 2, Bind 2 on enemy 3?
  • (Not Related to Macros: Do I need to unlock the Stepdance that I saw in the description of the Malstrom Update. )




[align=center]I appreciate all help, big or small! xD Thanks![/align]

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