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Knock Outs

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Hi there Haruka, and welcome to Balmung.


First off, the answer to your question is that being KO'd results only in a reduction of your armor and weapon's Condition percentage. When the Condition of a piece of gear reaches zero, it becomes significantly less powerful until you repair it at a Mender NPC (or repair it yourself if you're the right type and level of crafter).


Note that if you are under level 10, you don't suffer Condition loss when you get KO'd. However, your gear loses Condition percentage over time just by simply being used, so eventually you'll have to get it repaired even if you aren't KO'd.




I have a bit of unrelated advice, as I see you making a lot of threads in this forum with brief questions and comments. See, a forum is best used to discuss topics, as responses can often be relatively slow but very long and detailed. If you post a question or comment here, you're less likely to receive a timely response--you could end up waiting a whole day for an answer!


A better bet would be to try and get your answers in-game. There are a number of friendly OOC Linkshells on Balmung that you can request to join. Here's a link to the full list of Linkshells on the server.


OOC Linkshells can also be a great way to find roleplay out in the world. One Linkshell I would recommend for your purposes is Intermission. Intermission is probably the biggest roleplayer hub that Balmung has, and so you'll have plenty of folks to meet and talk to there.


Good luck out there!

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