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Ein Sof -Roots-

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I want to create a FC with everyone with an open mindset, and I want to build off of that, with the goal of connecting Rp around the server as much as possible. 


A general breakdown of the concept OOCly:

1. RP Focus: Typically, Roots exists to both help the members of the FC progress their own storylines as well as intermingle with others. The concepts binding us together are vague at best and(intentionally) not everyone has a clear idea of what is going on until they ask(Icly). The focus is mainly on intermingling the FC with other FCs and Rpers around the server and building a more connected community, one that is less closed off and with some existing lore between different groups.


2. Branch system: Roots is not lead by a typical system of leaders and chains of command, but is rather connected through the ideal behind the work itself. Without attempting to strain with my long winded and honestly confusing explanation, Roots is more about individuals connected through their differing goals and desires. Does your character want to do something extravagant or simple? Both perhaps? We aim to create an environment where this can happen easily, without having to conform to a complicated storyline. That is not to say the storylines are not there, only that they do not require participation. If you have more questions on this or want examples please contact me.


3. Focus: It is my intention to help create a place where all kinds of Rp can mix, clash, and/or mingle with each other with as little strain as possible. I want the FC to interact with its members, but I also want to encourage less isolated behaviour. Walk up to strangers and speak to them, Rp with other FCs or their members, share your character with others and expose yourself to different things. 


4. About endgame/ooc content: We actively are trying to get any members that want to get through end game, through end game. This includes but is not limited to MSQ(Main story quest) and Binding Coil progression. If you want some kind of help, all one needs do is ask.


5. Moral alignment: Well being that the concept is to connect as many Rpers as possible, and that the original concept is kept vague because of this, the official of the FC itself is True Neutral. It has no moral obligation to be especially good or bad. That is NOT however the same requirement for its members. Everyone is encouraged to act as their character was truly envisioned upon creation. In other words, you do NOT have to be a certain type of character to enter Roots.


6. Do I need any special skills with my character to join?: No, you can be a simple gardener, a bookworm battlemage, a tradesmen, or even a hobo for all we care. We would love to have you.


7. Any OOC requirements?: Just don't be a jerk to others, general decency and all that.


8. Other: WE HAVE A WEBSITE(s) and TS3. Contact me for more details.



General breakdown of the concept ICly


Roots is a fellowship of men and women who are information seekers and protectors of special intelligence. As an organization, Roots offers impunity and an impartial judgment to its members, welcoming members from a large number of conflicting ideals and backgrounds. The peoples are united in their desire to find answers, and thusly expected to weigh the value of information greater than the value of individual ethics. With some degree of immunity from the scrutiny of disagreeing morals, trade of information can go unimpeded within the Roots network.



Though primarily a peer network, there are also those directly in Root’s employ. Roots does not give out its resources freely, but they are not restricted to a privileged few. The Roots estate was established as a means to pool resources and branch out into social circles. Those who offer Roots a specialized skill or join directly into Roots’ employ are allowed access to a wealth of information and resources. In theory, this allows members to correlate amongst one another and find help from walks of life they may not be experienced with.



As its numbers bolstered, Roots evolved to be more than just information gathering, but this remains its mission statement. They seem to have a secondary goal which is not explicit to new recruits.

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