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Vatt's Emporium


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Through the lens of downfall can one see true happiness, and in times great sorrow. It would seem that way, at least to X'vatt, a Seeker of the Sun of the Lynx tribe, born to a Tia. Found unworthy at birth he was lucky to be alive. And so, he and his father, were exiled. Vatt, as he likes to be called, vowed to make a name for himself, and so began his path in life.



The Miqo'te quickly learned of hardship when his father grew ill and starved in order to keep his son healthy, so he could work and become strong. Noticing there was far too many starving, and too few with a roof over their heads, the young miqo'te quickly made up his mind, and after an adolescence of trouble making, he stepped on what he believed to be the right path.



Today Vatt is the owner of Vatt's Emporium, a collective of merchants and workers devoted to making sure that you pay the lowest price for your custom orders. Such good deals that they're almost a steal.


Started recently, this Free Company was inspired by simply the act of making trouble, even in a more subtle light. A merchant's guild with an  ulterior motive, the plan is to stir up some trouble with those who would like it. Instead of life threatening however, we just decided that we want your stuff.


We also have a linkshell for contacts, and plain old IC communication as well called Acquisitions. OOC communication is okay as long as you use proper etiquette and do not interrupt an ongoing RP or chat.


Check out the other tabs for more information, but thanks for reading thus far!


For those that need an IC reason to look for X'vatt in game:


Fliers are handed out around Ul'dah, mostly by the hungry, though they seem a little less so as their dirty hands pass the pamphlets around. It seems whoever had given these people the advertisements paid them well enough. The pamphlets, ornate in design, covering cheap paper though with an emblem that only some may know.


A quick glance notifies of a new company in the area by the name of Vatt's Emporium, specializing in rare and exotic goods, they also take special orders for only a few gil more.


A more studied glance would award you with a brief paragraph:

"Vatt's Emporium, founded by the Seeker of the Sun, X'Vatt, welcomes you to take a gander at our wares.We wholeheartedly think that giving back to the community is priority, so with the turn-in of this voucher we will donate 10 gil of every 100 you spend on custom orders to the hungry and homeless.


Our stock comprises of exotic goods and rare antiquities, only waiting to find their home in your place of residence. Don't waste time, these deals are definitely a steal."



On the bottom of the flier, in bold black letters reads:

"Vatt's is now hiring able-bodied members, young and old. You want a job, we're looking for you. Our comprehensive placement procedure will make sure that you will find the position that you are most suitable for."


On the back, in little tiny print the flier would read, if anyone bothered looking at it.



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