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Echo Knights

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[align=center]Misfits, Mercenaries, or Meddlers?


These terms, and many more, can adequately describe the motley crew that makes up the bulk of the Echo Knights' roster.




[align=center] Contract mercenaries by trade, the Knights strive to protect all that is good and righteous, 

while also lining our pockets here and there; because as a certain Admiral once said - 

"What worth is high regard without just reward?"


But enough of ourselves - what of you?


Be ye a man or woman of action, a lad or lass of morals and do-gooding, 


[align=center]or just someone wanting to get paid for saving everyone's collective rears time and again?[/align]


Do ye have what it takes to risk your life against heartless brigands and cutthroats? 


[align=center]Have ye the might to face the likes of Garlemald, or the courage to stand against [/align]

[align=center]the Primal gods of the Beastmen?[/align]

[align=center] [/align]

[align=center]Or perhaps the most important of all... 


Do ye have the patience to deal with well-meaning ne'er-do-wells and hapless mummers?


If so, congratulations. Ye be Echo Knights material! 



Grand be the risks, and grander the rewards - [/align]

[align=center]if ye've the patience and willpower to see it all through![/align]

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