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I've been watching this site for a while, and wanted to RP so bad,..well learn first then RP..heh..

I read and watched people RP from afar..like the creep i am :angel:...and learned the basics..or i think i do.. and being the stupidly shy person i am and english not being my native language and fear of just embarrassing myself , i never did RP


then someday (yesterday) i said "you know what?!, I will RP today no matter what!"

so I grabbed my Hyur -Meriel Thorne- and jumped into another's table..(not before asking her first)...i think i failed miserably..but i had fun, and everyone was so nice and funny!




long story short


I'm new here..Hi :D


oh and i made a wiki page for her..its still in the making though



her character is so very different than mine

i have another character a miqo'te arcanist -Khuma Nelhah-...she's the creepy type..which is close to me xD...

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Welcome to the world of RP! I'll make this brief, if you ever want to RP and run into August Lansborough, or need a place to start send me a message. The best way to learn is to do it after all and it's brave of you to have already taken the first step, especially if English isn't your first language(not that you can tell from the way you wrote this).


Once more, congratulations on telling yourself to RP and actually doing it. It can be as scary for people as trying to engage someone in real life. You deserve a commendation simply for that.

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Welcome to the world of RP! I'll make this brief, if you ever want to RP and run into August Lansborough, or need a place to start send me a message. The best way to learn is to do it after all and it's brave of you to have already taken the first step, especially if English isn't your first language(not that you can tell from the way you wrote this).


Once more, congratulations on telling yourself to RP and actually doing it. It can be as scary for people as trying to engage someone in real life. You deserve a commendation simply for that.

Thank you very much! :D

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Welcome.  Good that you were able to hop into rp.  It was a brave move that I personally could never have pulled, off, haha.  Good work.  And our wiki is coming along nicely.  Makes me want to get off my but and try to learn how to do one.


Don't worry about not being natie English.  You've done a better job than many who are.  If you see me around, don't be shy about walking up icly.  Even if I'm not actively rping when I'm standing around, I will go IC if someone approaches me IC.


Good luck bringing your character to life.

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Welcome to Balmung! :moogle:

Thank you :moogle:



You're off and running! I think you did great by just throwing yourself out there. Feel free to look me up in game on Eudalie N'aal or drop me a line here if ever want to RP. I'm looking forward to meeting your character. :3

I'm looking forward to meeting yours ^^

Welcome.  Good that you were able to hop into rp.  It was a brave move that I personally could never have pulled, off, haha.  Good work.  And our wiki is coming along nicely.  Makes me want to get off my but and try to learn how to do one.


Don't worry about not being natie English.  You've done a better job than many who are.  If you see me around, don't be shy about walking up icly.  Even if I'm not actively rping when I'm standing around, I will go IC if someone approaches me IC.


Good luck bringing your character to life.

oh that's cool! =o


and thank you very much :D

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Belated welcome!


Think you attended the in-character class I held on Sunday... didn't even realize that you weren't a native speaker, so don't worry! You're doing just fine!


As you might be able to tell, the RP community is quite friendly and very diverse; learning to roleplay and then enjoying it is just a matter of finding the right group of people to hang out with.


Good luck, and most importantly: have fun!

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Belated welcome!


Think you attended the in-character class I held on Sunday... didn't even realize that you weren't a native speaker, so don't worry! You're doing just fine!


As you might be able to tell, the RP community is quite friendly and very diverse; learning to roleplay and then enjoying it is just a matter of finding the right group of people to hang out with.


Good luck, and most importantly: have fun!


Yea "Miss pink" is me :lol:

Thank you so much, I had so much fun in the IC class!


yea I'll be trying to talk to as many people as i can ^^

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Oh! I saw you around the other night! If you see 'ole E'khei Balduin standing around in the Quicksand (or near the Chocobokeep just outside, or anywhere for that matter) don't be afraid to light him up with conversation (especially about Chocobos). It would do him good. Welcome and glad you could join us! I'll be keeping an eye out for you!

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Oh!  I saw you around the other night!  If you see 'ole E'khei Balduin standing around in the Quicksand (or near the Chocobokeep just outside, or anywhere for that matter) don't be afraid to light him up with conversation (especially about Chocobos).  It would do him good.  Welcome and glad you could join us!  I'll be keeping an eye out for you!


heh..Whenever i finish lvling for the day I go and sit in the quicksand to watch ^^


thank you! :D

and whenever you see me just sitting in the Quicksand...and seem motionless, its alright to say Hi ICly or OOCly, since Meriel isnt very social xD

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