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Safiya Eshe Valoux

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I. Basic Info 


  • Characters: 


    Safiya Eshe Valoux, Isaune Saundraix


  • Primary character:


    Safiya Valoux


  • Linkshells: 




  • Primary RP linkshell:








[*]II. RP Style 


  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):

  • Light to Medium for now due to the fact I don't think I have ever Role played in a MMO environment ( not counting second Life ). Perhaps once I get the hang of things and get myself itched into this world I will go to medium and Heavy.
  • Views on RP combat and injuries:
  • I haven't done it in a while so I am a bit out of the loop, and as stated before I perhaps won't change and do too much in terms of RP combat until I get my feet more settled into the ground. Although once I do I think the determination for what happens in combat should fall accordingly to what the character is able to do. As long as it is fairly done without any godmodding. 
  • Injuries should just themselves be stated by the character given the trauma that ensued they would know the inner workings of their own character best. As long as it matches up with what actually transpired. Such as if someone got hit in the eye, depending on the race and class it can either leave a bruise, a complete black eye or just a scratch. So long as the players are fair in this matter.
  • Views on IC romance:
  • Love it that is the whole reason I RP with my characters. I would have to say that I try to keep IC romances pretty similar to how things may pan out in RL. For instance a character falling head over heels for someone; I wouldn't say it is quite the necessity but it is quite the enjoyment that I certainly love in RP scenarios. One thing that should certainly be noted is that my character will be Bi. So I will be looking into a FC and LS that is LGBT friendly. 
  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
  • Love this as well and I think it's due in response to me going to a more light hearted RP sessions; Anything that can deal with let's say "Slice-of-life" I really enjoy. Just taking a look at the inns and outs of the characters life is what really makes my day especially if I have had a bad one from work!
  • Views on lore:
  • Within' the realm itself I rather stay close to it as much as possible. Of course somethings can be changed here and there especially given that each of our characters are going to operate a little differently in the way they portray themselves; though for the most part I would just say please as much as possible leave it in the fantasy realm and not too much in the Sci-Fi
  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
  • Quite honestly I would have to say that /say would work the best in the way that I do not mind if the RP is open so others can join in. It also seems a bit more realistic, I also know that some other players don't want to and by all means that is fine. I certainly don't mind if we use /tell as a whispering scenario when close by or even /linkshell for Long distance communication. 

[*]III. Other Info 

  • Country:
  • United States
  • Timezone:
  • Eastern Standard Time
  • Contact info:
  • Either Here, In-Game or even on my Trillian account; Trillian (mystiqueagent) is probably the best way to get a hold of me.



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