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Old person returns from the abyss.


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Hello! I was around for late beta, and I just now got the money to buy the game. Blame a bunch of factors in my life.


Feel free to update me on stuff.


Salutations and welcome back! There are a lot of changes now that you will find spook-tacular!


There is the glamour system, which after a quest will allow you to take an article of clothing to have it look like something else more ideal. You have to take into consideration what disciple it is based off of, however. Other then that, the sky's the limit!


The little tweaks found throughout the game in regard to PvE or PvP are so vast that I couldn't even attempt to elaborate. What I WILL elaborate on however, is the RP community:


It's alive and thriving. You're welcome back into it anytime! If your character needs a way to get into the mix of things, they could always toss Gus Pumpkinweed a tell in the game. I'll direct you around, offer random RP and perhaps even manage to ensnare another employee! Who knows? :D


Anyway, welcome back!



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Welcome back!


I was in the same position as you about two or three weeks ago, and I'm happy to say that there are some significant changes that make the game more fun, yet not too different to throw you off. I think the biggest change I've noticed is as Gus mentioned, the glamour system, the crafting system has had huge updates, there's the barber now, and the ever updating story line... 


Oh, and let's not forget fishing! 

Other than all that, I think RP is doing pretty well on Balmung. Feel free to look me up or on here if you're looking for RP, but overall... 


Welcome! ...Again. :3

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