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I try to sway more towards the... "if you would be embarrassed for your mom to read it, then you shouldn't post it" camp myself. I find that being negative, especially vulgarly so, spreads like wildfire and tends to make the whole thread toxic.


If it's IC... then I usually let the games language describe my limits. For example in FFXIV we have a lot of "arse" and other colorful metaphors. Of course this doesn't mean that Asytra has the mouth of a sailor, despite actually BEING a sailor, but it does give me some guidelines. Besides, colorful metaphors do have their place, I mean would Battlestar Galactica be the same with out a few "fraks" here and there?

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On the forums I believe we can Keep it PG13. I mean the ratings board is really loose with that now. They even allow one non-sexual F-bomb in a movie and it passes PG13. But honestly that should only be IC. OOC I'm sure we can expand our vocabulary and think of better ways to express ourselves than resorting to profanities.

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Context is king. A word is merely a brush stroke on a painting, and a single stroke is never appropriate or inappropriate without consideration to the context of all the strokes before and after it. A cunt is just any other hole until the surrounding organs and tissues are there to define it.


At least that's my personal view.

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Where's my pocking wrench?!


I personally enjoy using explitives in mixed forms.


i.e. Where the frak are my gosh-damned boots? Or: Who the fiddly-**** do you think you are you tiny, unbearably insignifigant piece of doo-doo.


For several years, I worked in a portrait studio environment, so I was pretty much surrounded by kids all the time. Now, under normal circumstances, I cuss like a sailor. But obviously, around kids (and at work) I'm not gonna do that.


But frankly, habit is hard to break, and when you accidentally kneel on something hard, plastic, and sharp-edged, you naturally want to let loose with SOMETHING. Which is why my lexicon now includes such phrases as, "Crap on a stick" and "Son of a monkey".


Kids think it's hilarious; adults who swear a lot themselves tend to be understanding and find it entertaining, as well as being grateful that I didn't use harsher language in front of the kids. And a very few uptight parents still can't find anything to complain about, because nobody actually cussed. :P


Trouble is, habit goes both ways, and now I sometimes either drop one of those phrases when I don't need to, or I'll mix 'em. Today I used, "Sh*t on a stick".


I have no idea where the stick part came from. Only that everything is better on a stick. :P

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Among my friends I am actually famous for using monkey as a curse word. I have this hatred for most monkeys. And whenever I happen to be around them, I feel as if they feel the same way about me. -.- Friggin' monkeys.


That and I am also infamous for my beasiality phrases that I come up with when my friends are annoying me. I'm fairly sure they are innapropraite for any setting.

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Among my friends I am actually famous for using monkey as a curse word. I have this hatred for most monkeys. And whenever I happen to be around them, I feel as if they feel the same way about me. -.- Friggin' monkeys.


That and I am also infamous for my beasiality phrases that I come up with when my friends are annoying me. I'm fairly sure they are innapropraite for any setting.




*flings poo*

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