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William Harrowton

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I. Basic Info 


  • Characters: William Harrowton
  • Primary character: William Harrowton
  • Linkshells: Astute Opal (The Violet Wing Scholars IC LS), OpenRP
  • Primary RP linkshell: N/A, as of yet.

    II. RP Style 
  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):

  • UPDATE:I suppose I can put myself smack-dab in the middle, as in, I'm a medium RPer. As for skill, I don't think I'm anything but semi-decent at it.
  • Views on RP combat and injuries:

  • I'm all for it, although character deaths and grievous injuries are... mm... not exactly my cup of tea, I'll go through with it if there's a VERY GOOD reason. As for other things, yeah, I can do injuries and the like and although dear William doesn't like fighting, much, he'll probably fight if provoked. Freeform combat, within reason, is fine by me, as well as just rolling for the victor.
    UPDATE:However, I will say this: IC actions can result in IC consequences, so if anything William does is going to get him grievously injured, then, so be it.
  • Views on IC romance:

  • Certainly. I'm all for IC romance if you can handle dealing with someone who seemingly has a speech impediment and a timid nature. I will warn you, though, William can be very sweet to the ones he loves, so be prepared to deal with some sweetness if you happen to decide to go down that route.
  • Update: He is currently spoken for by someone and is not very keen on affairs.

  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):

  • Most definitely. William could use friends to break him out of his shell. For the more intimate ones such as family, we could probably arrange something over /tells.
    As for enemies, if you can find a reason to hate William, then by all means, perhaps you see him as meddlesome or maybe he probably seems too innocent or perhaps his fidgeting may lead one to believe that he's always up to something.
  • Views on lore:

  • When I'm stepping into new territory, you can bet that I'm looking things up as I go. I tend to try and stay away from things that seem outlandish until I can come up with lore friendly reasons as to why such a thing would be.
  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):

  • /say is most certainly IC for me, with OOC speech marked appropriately ((like this)), alongside /em and /yell! /tell is more tricky, I'll message with ((double brackets)) for OOC or "speech marks" for IC.
    /linkshell is really dependant on the linkshell itself. If it's designated as OOC, then I'll treat it as such. IC? Sure, I'll use it for IC purposes ((with the occasional OOC comment!))
    /party and /shout are mainly OOC for me, the only exceptions being that I would use /party if I find it fitting to do so as an IC channel, usually for IC instances or something.

    III. Other Info 

  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Timezone: GMT
  • Contact info: I can be reached on Steam via: {GCN} Conchris . And before you ask, no, GCN is not short for Gamecube Nintendo. Although part of me wishes it was...
    I can also be reached in-game as William Harrowton, or by PM on these forums, since I check here, like, once per day.

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