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[Behemoth] Hyur Midlander Gal LF friend.

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I am making this post for my Hyur Midlander lady (who wishes she was on Balmung, but can't be).



I've been around on Final Fantasy since launch and the game has been perfect for me. As I am sure you all know, this game is great when it comes to immersion and character attachment. Having played on my one character this whole time has me really attached to them, and I cannot bring myself to play or level another on Balmung or Gilgamesh. However, I am a long time role-player, and playing on this server the past year has left me returning to other games for RP. I'd never really made an attempt to see if there actually was anyone on Behemoth who was in a similar boat, so I figure what can it hurt?


I'm writing this ad just in case someone stumbles across it and is wearing a similar pair of shoes, or maybe perhaps someone has an alt / main on Behemoth they'd love to RP but has defaulted to switching to Balmung for that purpose!


I am really into one on one storytelling rather than playing with a large group. I imagine that, in this specific instance, that would be what we end up with as I doubt we will find other random players to join in on this server.


My general playing hours are on EST - and I am online most days for a considerable amount of time. I own an FC house as well as a private room so we have those options for role play as well.


Since this is my first attempt at role playing my FFXIV character, I do not have a profile for her set in stone. I do have a concept I would like to approach, but I will do so openly if I manage to find someone else who is interested.


Thank you for taking the time to read/consider this and I hope to speak with someone a bit further.


PS: Even if you spot this post a month down the line, don't hesitate to contact me via PM or this post. I will be playing this game for months to come and have e-mail notifications on. I've been wanting this for months, so if it takes another month or two to find someone, I'm okay with that!

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