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Vanguard of Valor


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Hello everyone, I'm kind of new at this so please bear with me. ^^`


My name is Luna Moonshadow of Balmung, here recruiting roleplayers for the Vanguard of Valor. While we weren't originally an RP fc, we are now reaching, out to our RP loving players and starting up a new chapter in our fc history. Role playing. We have a few role players with us at current but we want more active members for all manners of play, serious raids, ex primal, role play, or just to make friends and have fun. We are all good helpful people in Valor and hope we can get started on something new. We even help new players learn the game and get them caught up where others might leave them behind.


We have many a skilled crafter in our company, experienced fighters and most importantly good friendly people. If any of this interests you, contact me via pm here or catch me online on Balmung in the late afternoons! I don't bite, promise. It's the other members you should worry about ^^


We welcome all members with open arms. No housing available yet (wards are full D: ) but we hope to have a home soon!


Much love from the new officer of RP,

Luna Moonshadow

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