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The Wandering Tonberry Trading Co.


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It started with a whisper.... 




     A conversation between two patrons at a tavern, maybe a few passing words from Momodi in The Quicksand. "Yup, studyin’ the science of beasts he said. Seems t’ fancy himself some kind of Monster Hunter...”As time passed however, a stitch of credibility was sewn to the name Flynt Knoltros. He managed to complete more and more challenging jobs, almost all of them on his own. This level of credibility however was quickly overshadowed by an air of desperation.  The man known as Flynt Knoltros seemed to be taking on too many jobs for any one man to handle, and was paying the price in bruised ribs and broken bones.



     Then, more hunters began to appear by his side. Word of "The Wandering Tonberry Trading Co.” became synonymous with this fledgling group, and another Knoltros; the shrewd merchant Nipan became more spoken of. This ragtag ensemble seemed to be becoming more legitimate, taking the spoils of their hunts and selling them, and training local militia and soldiers on specific beast fighting techniques. Then, with some momentum behind them, hiring fliers began appearing on market boards and in taverns from Limsa to Gridania. They read:



            "Do you wish to study and progress the science of Monster Hunting? Are you a skilled tracker, hunter or scholar? If any of these are the case, there may be a place for you within the Wandering Tonberry Trading Company. We are currently hiring, and looking to fill the positions listed below. If you are interested or seek further information, contact Flynt Knoltros. Good luck, and Good Hunting."



     Below this block of text is an image of the companies crest, along with an address to forward mail and locations which this Flynt Knoltros frequents. The flier then continues on with a list of the positions needing to be filled, and some of the associated information.




Hunt Leads – Hunt Leads are team leads responsible for leading a small unit of hunters on expeditions. The Hunt Lead is also in charge of supervising training, and coordinating tactics which the team will use when felling their prey. Experience with big game hunting and tracking is a must, as well as the capability to lead and train others.



Hunters – The Hunters are the backbone of the Wandering Tonberry Trading Co. and the most diverse members of it. Hunters work under the Hunt lead to perform a variety of tasks, from scouting and killing to researching and categorizing various beasts. While experience hunting and tracking is preferred, potential hunters will not be turned away if they instead have experience in the healing arts or a knowledge of the sciences and how it applies to the creatures of Eorzea.



Clerks – The Clerks, though not directly in the fight, are not any less important. Clerks provide assistance wherever necessary. Work ranges from aiding the Shop Master in managing inventory, to repairing weapons and armor for the various Hunting Teams, to assisting our field scholars in organizing their findings. Where the Hunters are the backbone, the Clerks are the life blood of the Company.


- So, what is The Wandering Tonberry OOCly?


The Wandering Tonberry Co. is a small group of friends (some old and some new!) that is looking to expand their membership and provide a unique monster hunting, researching, and mercantile RP experience to its members and those who interact with us!




- Monster Hunting and Mercantilism? What inspired this whole thing?


The idea is essentially an amalgamation of three things: The film "The Brothers Grimm”, and the anime "Naruto” (With a dash of "Spice and Wolf” for good measure!). The Wanderers are specialized Monster Hunters who work in small teams to achieve objectives or fell their prey. What makes these Hunters different than your average mercenary group however is their thirst for knowledge, and goal to study and categorize all of the dangerous beasts in Eorzea!




- So why should I join?


That really is the question isn't it? Well, the first reason I would give you is that we are a small group of helpful people who really love this game. While we have a lot of unique ideas for events and for promoting Monster Hunting roleplay, I believe having people who are fun to be around and willing to help each other keeps a guild together. That said, we DO have a lot of interesting ideas and events though! In Character Rank B Hunt runs, training events, and our own bestiary that will be built In Character, by our members are a few of the core events that we hope will immerse people in our brand of Monster Hunting RP!




- Okay, you sold me! How do I join?


Simple! Just put in an application up top! After that post an introduction on you and your character, and someone (probably Flynt!) will contact you and we can do an IC and OOC interview!

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  • 7 months later...

((Everyone's Favorite Neighborhood Reiner here!


Wanted to make an addition here that the Wandering Tonberry Trading Co is open for recruitment.


We Are currently in the market for:


A Solid Staff Healer/Doc


Two Monster Hunters (This is open ended but as with the Theme the prime focus is hunting monsters and beasts.)


And a Researcher. (This can be of any magical variety, anything that can be adapted to the study and cataloging of monsters and beasts, magically oriented and mundane, ranging from common to incredibly rare.)


Going through our listed guild site, or Contacting Flynt Knoltros, Ritsu Knoltros, Roger Holmes, or Reiner Dorn In-game are the best ways to reach us. ))

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  • 3 months later...

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