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Queen Frejyalen

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[align=center]I. Basic Info [/align]


  • Characters:  Queen Frejyalen, Miounne Rondelet
  • Primary character:  Queen Frejyalen
  • Linkshells:  Legion Allied
  • Primary RP linkshell:  


[align=center]II. RP Style[/align]



  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
    Medium; at this time I am open to walk-up, pre-planned, or even dungeon RP for Miounne and Frejyalen, but I'd appreciate it if you send a /tell first.  Sometimes I am out on a screenshot excursion and may have my HUD off, so a /tell lets me know someone is trying to get in touch with me!
  • Views on RP combat and injuries:
    Miounne only - RP combat within the restrictions of the current world and available lore are acceptable.  Please ask me in /tell before initiating combat, and I am fine with one of my characters sustaining short-term injuries if it is discussed with me first.  I am familiar with using dice rolls and would prefer to use this method.
  • Views on IC romance:
    ►  Frejyalen is currently in a long-term, committed relationship.
    ►  Miounne is currently single but interested in someone.
    I am not against a romantic relationship for Miounne, but it is not a priority either.  Miounne is open to casual encounters, but anything further (ERP) should be discussed ahead of time.
  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
    ►  Frejyalen has a very specific background, where she is linked to a few other characters (played by close friends) and I do not wish to change this.  I am open to creating more professional and personal alliances for Frejyalen.
    ►  Miounne's family and other non-romantic relationships are vaguely outlined, but could be open to extended family, family friends, childhood friends, etc.  I am looking for friends, colleagues, fellow adventurers, etc for Miounne.
  • Views on lore:
    Being accurate to lore is relatively important to me; however, Frejyalen's character does involve a kingdom that is not part of the lore, but could feasibly be.  If you're unsure or want to discuss lore and alternate possibilities, just talk to me first.  Explain your idea to me and I'll let you know if it's something I'm willing to work with.
  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
    ►  I typically use /say or /emote in most situations or public events.
    ►  If you'd like to RP privately or while we are working on game content, I use /p and just write out emotes without the action (ask me about this if this explanation is confusing).
    ►  For OOC responses I use (( message here )).  Any tells I send should be assumed as OOC.


[align=center]III. Other Info[/align]


  • Country:  United States
  • Timezone:  CST/CDT
  • Contact info:  This forum, in-game, or through my Tumblr inbox


[align=center][glow=purple]▼  Special announcements can be found in the posts below  ▼[/glow][/align]

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