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The Silver Anvil's Open Market

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((UPDATE: 3rd of November, 2010)) Pinned on to the cork board in each of the city-states' respective adventurer's guilds is a formal notice, each bearing the Silver Anvil's seal in red wax. It reads as follows (times listed are Pacific Standard Time {GMT-8}):


"The Silver Anvil invites YOU!

... to join top-notch artisans from all of Eorzea, who will be showcasing the latest developments in adventuring armaments, apparel, and so much more!


Guests are encouraged to buy, sell, and trade, but be sure you save some gil for the pinnacle of the event: the grand auction, in which the highest quality wares the Silver Anvil and its associates has to offer will be sold to the highest bidder!


We shall assemble the second and fourth Saturdays of every moon outside of Frondale's Phrontistery in Ul'dah at one bell past noon; the auction shall begin at three bells; and the Anvil's artisans will begin packing away at four bells.


Please contact Nikolai Petrilio about submitting your high-quality wares to be auctioned! At least one sun's notice will be necessary, so do not delay!


We look forward to seeing you there!

~Silver Anvil Administration"

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The fliers advertising the Open Market have been replaced by new, more formal fliers with slightly updated information. Each now also bears an official seal in red wax.


"The Silver Anvil invites YOU!

... to join top-notch artisans from all of Eorzea, who will be showcasing the latest developments in adventuring armaments, apparel, and so much more!


Guests are encouraged to buy, sell, and trade, but be sure you save some gil for the pinnacle of the event: the grand auction, in which the highest quality wares the Silver Anvil and its associates has to offer will be sold to the highest bidder!


We shall assemble the second and fourth Saturdays of every moon outside of Frondale's Phrontistery in Ul'dah at one bell past noon; the auction shall begin at two bells; and the Anvil's artisans will begin packing away at three bells.


Please contact Nikolai Petrilio about submitting your high-quality wares to be auctioned!


We look forward to seeing you there!

~Silver Anvil Administration"

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