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The Test of Courage!


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When: Friday 29 Oct, 4 PM CST / 10 PM BST


Where: Silver Bazaar in Thanalan


Hosted by: Oria Argall (Sponsored by Mog House)




"I'm telling you there's no body braver than me! What? You think you are? Well, let's test it! Meet me at the Silver Bazaar and we'll see who the bravest really is!"





~OOC notes~


Er.. what?: The original idea is that Oria is challenging her friends (which is.. pretty much all of Mog House) while in a tavern one night to test their bravery and courage. She encourages them to bring their friends and their friends to bring friends and their friends friends friend.. etc. If you absolutely do not have the connection with any folks, do not fear! You can over hear the conversation in any manner you see fit.


Purpose of event: Just a little something thrown together to celebrate Halloween.



  • Be creative! This event rides solely on you and just how creative you can be.
  • Keep the OOC to a minimal and be courteous.
  • Have fun!


If you any have comments, questions or concerns please do no hesitate to ask. You can reach me in game or through a PM.

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