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The Astrarium [AstRP]


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Style: Heavy RP, Social, Endgame PvE & PvP

Guild Channel: OOC Free Company, IC Linkshell. Mumble available for voice chat.

Housing: Lavender Beds, Ward 7, Plot 14 (Small)

Timezone: US (Primarily Eastern)

Restrictions: 18+, concessions made for family on a per-case basis.


The Astrarium is a newly founded company of scholars and "truth-seekers", established to study the significance of Eorzea from a cosmic perspective. Beginning with Hydaelyn's place among the stars and expanding into its history, the company's studies straddle a line between light and darkness, believing that one must accept tragedy and the inevitability of evil in order to wholly understand the nature of the world.


The company divides its collective efforts into three paths of study: Astral, the domain of light, stars, and divine beings. Terrestrial, which curates world history and knowledge of Eorzean-borne forces such as the elements, and Umbral, which seeks to commune with and understand the void. These paths need not be pursued at the expense of another, but those who wish to specialize will have the opportunity to do so.


As a new organization, the company's story is only just beginning. We are planning to hit the ground running, seeing our story unfold in real time based on the actions of those who join or interact with us!


[align=center]~About Us~[/align]


The Astrarium was first established in August of 2013 following the announcement of EverQuest Next, however the time spent waiting has led us to explore other options and, despite initial misgivings towards the themepark model, core leadership has fallen in love with Final Fantasy XIV and have decided to mold our core concept for Eorzea. While EverQuest Next will still be a thing for us, we also have no intention of abandoning our new home here!


We currently have a small group of active players, and while we hope some of our comrades from the EQN camp will join us, we are also looking to grow with dedicated Final Fantasy players in the ranks. Free Company membership is preferred, however an IC-only linkshell option is also available. We have a small house plot in Lavender Beds, Ward 7. It's in dire need of decorating, but those looking for a personal room or stables needn't worry!


Primarily we are focused on dynamic, ongoing roleplay with scheduled events used to "spice up" the experience, rather than be the sole focus. Our core players are experienced and skilled with competitive end-game PvE and PvP as well, and while roleplay is our first priority, we would also like to move towards an FC-driven static group for top-tier Coil (as well as any old content that people would like to farm!).


[align=center]~Our Philosophy~




At the core, our guild upholds a philosophy of 'organic roleplay'. Put simply, organic roleplay is roleplay that occurs naturally and effortlessly as a result of characters, their interactions, and the ever-expanding ripple of those things as opposed to any forced behaviors from the player's end.


It is roleplay that is entwined with the world and the game, evolving as part of the natural play experience. We embrace setting and circumstance, and believe that stories are more interesting when framed by natural laws and limitations. If you like the idea of roleplay that not only abides by lore, but actively draws upon and interacts with, then you're in the right place.



We believe that our responsibility to you is to create a setting that encourages and inspires you to collaborate with us, and to embrace and contribute to the story of our guild. This is hardly a one-person show; every new member and the characters they play makes us that much more interesting, and we want to provide you with not only the tools, but the motivation to step into the spotlight!


[align=center]~Joining Up~[/align]


We believe in a painless and fluid recruitment process. We aren't interested in making people fill out lengthy, by-the-numbers applications. You want to get to know us and vice versa, and we provide the tools to do so. 


Joining us is as simple as registering on our site with a viable character concept, and being active! We'll ask you to post an introduction before you can post elsewhere on the forums, but once you've done that you'll have access to almost every other section of our website, and once we're satisfied that your character won't disrupt our flow, we'll pass along the FC / LS invite(s) accordingly.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact me either here or in-game (Nama'li Shakhor)!




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