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Jeth's Random Goodness


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This is just going to be a bit of what I doodle, if I happen to doodle anything.

This is what I accomplished while severs were/are down, and this is after not having drawn anything for a while now.  Hopefully I'll be adding more.  (And yes for those curious, Jeth loves his chocolate. xD )



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Not meaning to bombard, buuuuuuut, this is my random goodness page.  Now for some songs.  @.@


For anyone that's curious, these are all made with a program called Acid Music Studio using wave files.  Think of it as putting a puzzle together.  =)




This is a song for a toon that has lived in a couple games (Rift and SWToR).  Yes it has a similar opening to another song i'll be posting, but then they both change drastically.



This is a song i made for a really good friend of mine.  She gave me a few words describing her warlock in WoW and this is what i came up with.




This is another one of my good friend's toons in WoW (yes the same friend as Nikkolas).  Again i was given a few single describing words, and this is what i came up with.




This is just something i threw together.  Also just another little tribal design i did.




Another something I threw together after playing too much Megaman X.  Not sure if it fits into that kind of genre, but i'm proud of it.




Last one I promise.  This was made a few Octobers back.  I'll let you judge it.  =P

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