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Tonberry Trading Troupe (No Longer Active)


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[align=center]Tonberry Trading Troupe[/align]




[align=left]How it all began... 




[align=left]*present fades and a new scene emerges*



Leaning against the railing outside the café, on the Upper Deck of Limsa, the lithe and light haired miqo'te known to some as Y'azia Azal stood staring out over the ocean, lost in her thoughts. The few friends she'd come to know gathered behind her, enjoying their meal and bantering with one another, naturally, about small fortunes gained and lost throughout their various careers. Glancing down at her own coin pouch, she noted its rather emaciated state and sighed. Once again, her eyes sought the horizon and the endless potential that had always seemed just outside her reach.


The rough voice of a male miqo'te sounded  in her ears, causing them to flick back with amusement. "Heh, what joy is there in this life for us? Those that have the coin make the rules... those without abide by them."


Y'azia’s eyes lit up and she turned to pounce on the conversation. "And who is it that says we're not the ones due some coin of our own?" Glancing around at their stunned faces, she pushes onward. "Aren't you all tired of being broke? Off forever scrounging what you can and making something from what little you can put together?"


She caught most of the group nodding their heads, even as the auburn haired female named Ereshkigal laughs.


"Got a plan to make us a fortune, do you Yaz?"


Smirking at her friend, the only one of them that had any coin to spare, Y'azia nodded and laced her fingers behind her head. "Not all of us have rich parents, Eresh. You others have fought and bled for your coin and have gotten nowhere.  I say we use the skills we've learned along the way to pay our way, now. Let's gather those of like mind, and build an empire. We'll control the markets by flooding them with product gathered and made by our own hands.... think of it! We could be rich beyond our dreams if we just work together and make it happen!"


The icy-eyed male regarded her quietly for a moment;  he, and whatshe'd guessed was his mate, were unknowns. Eresh she could count on winning over if her idea seemed sound enough, but could she sell these two on it as well? "Come on, you said it yourself: those with the coin make the rules, right? We could spend our lives paying others for services we could do ourselves, so instead of filling their pockets, we could fill our own."


The male miqo’te glanced at the dusky-skinned elezen seated across from him. "What do you think, Zara? Shall we follow this one?"


 Y'azia met the gaze of the other woman, who in turn studied her calmly for several long moments before answering. "She seems to believe we can accomplish this. I say yes."


The pale miqo'te turned his gaze back to Y'azia and nodded. "Seems you've got your first recruits. Don't mess this up."


Grinning, Y'azia turned to Eresh, who merely shrugged and nodded her head. Clapping, Y’azia then turned back to the railing, her enthusiasm and ambition burning brightly in both her eyes and her heart. "Wonderful... we start immediately!  Soon...very soon... we'll control it all, and then this world is ours for the taking!"


*scene fades out and you are returned to the present*






Who we are and what we are looking for:



Hello and welcome to the Tonberry Trading Troupe! Our company was pretty much founded based on the RP above. Our leader and founder, Y'azia Azal, is quite possibly the largest ball of equal parts ambition, intelligence, and charisma that many of us have had the pleasure meeting. It was her idea and insight that set us along this path, and after a brief bit of convincing, got this thing started. What is the Tonberry Trading Troupe you ask? Quite simply we're a merchant/crafting/gathering company that is heavily sprinkled with RP. 


"Why tonberry?" you ask. That's answered easily enough... what is a tonberry? It's that lil' creature that moves slowly and methodically towards its goal... it doesn't waiver ... it doesn't hesitate. It sets it's sights and moves ever forward towards what it wants... and the Twelve help it when it strikes because it will bring even the strongest among us down a peg or two. So there you go... we took inspiration from one of the most determined creatures in all of Eorzea.... and like them, we march forward to our goals!


What sets us apart from the dozens of other newly formed companies out there for you to choose from? Two words... drive and ambition. We don't want just bodies taking up a slot... we want people who desire to earn their way, not simply have it handed to them. People who are willing to put their time and effort into their company and see it rewarded... not all of us can be top tier raiders, or have an interest in maxing out for endgame... but not a one of us balk at making coin off those that do wish it. From the ones that demand only the best in everything from gear to trinkets... to the ones that have to deck themselves and their company houses/rooms with whatever their hearts desire... we intend to cater to them... and make a small fortune on the side. Interested in being part of something instead of just being a name on a list? Fill out the application... step into chair for the interview... and see what your own drive and ambition can lead you to become!

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