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Work in Progress Stuff


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Hey all, I do some very basic 3d modeling. I usually logos, but this time I'm attempting to make a small scene here. Not sure if I should continue, I just did this while waiting on a Dungeon queue, I was just throwing things in as I saw fit :/


Lemme know if you think I should continue or have ideas on what to add, I'm running dry.

I was thinking maybe a small chest of gil with a couple smaller different daggers inside, as well as the gil laying ontop of a map or two, maybe the top one being of Limsa Lominsa... 


Also the daggers still need some smoothing out, the hilt needs to be 'unsmoothed' a bit (looks off). Lightning needs work (only basic 3 point setup now which is causing the gil to appear like they're floating), and I need to replace that gold hilt ring, it looks out of place in my opinion.



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Most likely my final render.

Redid the daggers entirely, replacing the weird wide ones for a more realistic Italian style which fits the Mediterranean theme of La Noscea, home of the rogues guild.

Threw in a simple map, has a blank parchment texture, nothing on it (couldn't think of something to be honest).

Altered the format of the render from 2k x 2k to 1920 x 1080 (my better half, who's the real artist between the two of us, said that square renders look odd).



(Fun fact, that stupid tiny poison vial took the longest individually out of all the other items to model and texture for some reason...)

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  • 4 months later...

I've done some more 3d work. I'll put some others here just for organizational sake.

I want to get back to doing more work but I'm not feeling as inspired lately :/.

Let me know what you guys think of my stuff, harsh critique is allowed and encouraged.

I will point out I am not a native artist, this is just a hobby and occasional way to make a few bucks.


Old June Logo





Old Chris Denora Logo





June- Blood and Sand





Chess Board





Philodendron Plant





Snake Plant/Mother-in-laws tongue





New Years Logo




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This wasn't something I planned on sharing as I did it very quickly with recycled items (except for the pouch which only took 5 min). But I really like the way it turned out, the lighting makes it, the pouch was done very quickly and initially looked kinda bad but the lighting makes it stand out a bit.


My issue is the 'sparkly-ness' of the table. It's an annoying result of the texture+lighting settings I'm using, I had a 'fix' for the other scenes which used this environment using depth of field, but DOF doesn't really work zoomed in...




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