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[Balmung] Getting into Final Fantasy

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Hello, I recently got into Balmung. I've bought the game about four days ago. I like the game alot so far. As soon as I found out that the game had a roleplay community, I created a character on Balmung. I'm a heavy roleplayer willing to open-roleplay as long as I'm online. My character name is Nelson Herrmann and I'm currently grinding my way from level 9. If anyone is trying to sort a certain type of roleplay, just poke me in game. My timezone is GMT +2. I've been roleplaying for about 5 years. My class is marauder and I'm roleplaying as a pirate highlander Hyur male.


Can you guys point out an FC that provides mid to heavy roleplay? I'd like to take part in a linkshell.

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Hello, and welcome!


I'm glad you like the game so far, it does seem to retain it's fun pretty well.  I've not been here for terribly long either, and I can't personally endorse this (as I'm not in it) but I can point you in the direction of a Heavy RP Linkshell, if you've not already seen it.


Heavy RP - OOC : Basically an OOC Network of Heavy RPers to help them come together for more RP.  (I've been eyeing this for a bit, but haven't actually joined.)  I'm sure someone in it can tell you more, if you're curious.


And likewise, if you should see Xavarian Mystrife online, (A dark, yet nerdy mage, with a tendency to 'procure' relics and artifacts, and transports them often) give me a poke, and I'd be glad to RP with you. :>

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Hello, and welcome!


I'm glad you like the game so far, it does seem to retain it's fun pretty well.  I've not been here for terribly long either, and I can't personally endorse this (as I'm not in it) but I can point you in the direction of a Heavy RP Linkshell, if you've not already seen it.


Heavy RP - OOC : Basically an OOC Network of Heavy RPers to help them come together for more RP.  (I've been eyeing this for a bit, but haven't actually joined.)  I'm sure someone in it can tell you more, if you're curious.


And likewise, if you should see Xavarian Mystrife online, (A dark, yet nerdy mage, with a tendency to 'procure' relics and artifacts, and transports them often) give me a poke, and I'd be glad to RP with you. :>



The linkshell looks inactive. I'll make sure to add you. Thanks!

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