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The Eorzean Guard (Disbanded)

Mtoto Wamoto

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The Eorzean Guard


The sounds of light footsteps pacing down the marble hall fills the otherwise silent building as a young Lalafell scurries through the Gold Court carrying a stack of papers. Dressed in a familiar garb, it is clear he is an errand boy and a citizen of Ul'dah. He continues to make his way out to the market district, handing out fliers to those passing him and posting several of the tan parchments on any wooden posts he comes across. As he shouts and calls attention to himself, a desert breeze catches a flier from his stack as is sent gliding into the air and falling to the ground before you.





Children of Eorzea,

Sing to me a time long past,

Where brotherhood and camradarie flourished,

Where a man could fight for his lands in the name of his people.

Where we were not judged and bound by clan or race,

But by the actions and words we take!


Children of Fate!

Let us take arms!

Toss away the petty differences long instilled upon us,

Let us join as one!


Raise your shield!

Sharpen your blades!

Protect your lands and your people!

Join us, and fight under the banner of the




The Eorzean Guard









Leader: Mtoto Wamoto

Officers: Myllor Aurelion, Damos Penumbra





RP Style:

Heavy RP (LS chat/say strictly IC)





RP element:

Eorzean Defense Force/Anti-Garlean Coalition



Ul'dah, second floor, Gold Court


Application criteria/process:

1. Register to the website

2. Fill out an application in the forums

3. Take part in an OOC interview

4. Go through an IC interview





About Us:


Although young in the roleplaying community, the Eorzean Guard wishes to become a strong participant as well as a respected group in the RPC. We are a Heavy Roleplaying group focused on group RP and IC events. Our linkshell serves as a militia of sorts created by various sell swords and adventurers within the realm of Eorzea who wish to unite and protect their lands from both the growing beastmen tribes as well as the ominous force of the Garlean Empire. Both in and out of character, we seek to build friendships, unity, and camaraderie within the community.


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*A flyer is pinned to the boards of each Adventurer's Guild and Crafting Guilds within the city-states.*





Like any other company, the Eorzean Guard relies heavily on the working class citizens of the realm. While a militia at its core, the Guard cannot function without the aid of dedicated artisans, crafters, laborers, and other lines of work. In effort to better prepare for the coming war, the Eorzean Guard is making a call to all citizens of each city-state, offerings jobs within the Guard which are not directly tied to combat. As such, these jobs are not tied to any single division within the Guard, but rather serve to support and aid the company as a whole. Below is a list of job openings along with their description and pay. All interested parties who are inquiring are to bring a formal letter and other documents proving credentials to Captain-Commander Mtoto Wamoto.


((Non-EG players interested in joining must apply via applications on the EG website))


Vocational Jobs: ((Crafting jobs))


Job Description:

It is in the fires and on the anvils of the Eorzean Guard's blacksmiths that weapons and tools of metal are crafted. Their work is in demand at all times in nearly every location, whether it be hammering the blade of a sword at the forge, or whetting the edge of an axe at camp.




Job Description:


Armorers treat and work the malleable metals of the realm into all forms of armor. By binding together sheet, stud, and link, they are able to produce garb of plate and chain which goes into the production of war garb used by the soldiers of the Eorzean Guard.




Job Description:


Goldsmiths in the Guard serve to create a number of weapons and pieces of armor, instruments of war as effective as they are elaborate. Along side this, they serve to makes use of golds and silvers, rubies and sapphires, and a myriad of other materials to decorate weapons, armor, and tools.




Job Description:


From fiber to thread, thread to cloth, cloth to dress, the path of a clothier literally weaves its way from basic beginnings to extravagant ends. Clothiers in the Guard serve to create articles of clothing such as division uniforms and formal attire for soldiers of the Guard.




Job Description:


The leatherworkers of the Eorzean Guard refine the hides, pelts, and furs of Eorzea's wildlife into all forms of versatile goods worn from head to toe. Foremost among their creations are various pieces leather armor, more substantial than cloth, but lighter and more pliable than chain or plate.




Job Description:


Builders of the Guard who serve to construct fortifications, buildings, encampments and other Guard related structures on the field. Also serve to fashion the arrows of archers, the spears of lancers, and the wands of conjurers along with defense wear rendered from lumber.



Job Description:


Alchemists within the Guard serve to create a plethora of healing medicines and deadly poisons, unguents and panaceas, and potions and ethers used by the soldiers and doctors of the Guard alike. It is also the alchemists who create the myriad dyes and paints, as well as other indispensable ingredients used by the other vocational jobs of the Guard.




Job Description:


Whetting appetites from dawn until dusk with prowess of pot and pan, Culinarians within the Guard provide more than simple sustenance. Armed with a cornucopia of ingredients from across the realm, and versed in methods from the far corners of Hydaelyn, these chefs help the soldiers of the Guard maintain their strength on and off the battlefield.



Vocational Job Pay Rates:


Tier 1: Ranks 1 - 10: Weekly Salary of 25k Gil

Tier 2: Ranks 11 - 20: Weekly Salary of 50k Gil

Tier 3: Ranks 21 - 30: Weekly Salary of 100k Gil

Tier 4: Ranks 31 - 40: Weekly Salary of 150k Gil

Tier 5: Ranks 41 - 50: Weekly Salary of 200k Gil





Administrative Jobs: ((Strictly IC jobs))


Job Description:


Accountants serve to keep, audit, and inspect the financial records of the Eorzean Guard. As such, they deal with large sums of gil and numbers. Applicants must be able to read, write, and count. Previous experience highly favored.



Guard Scribe

Job Description:


Scribes serve as public clerks who serve to copy manuscripts and text from tomes and reports. They also serve to organize and pull requested documents from the Archive Chamber and assist Guard members with writing reports. A high level of reading and writing is required for this position.



Storeroom Clerk

Job Description:


Guards and watches over the store room. Serves to maintain and organize the storage while keeping count of stock and supplies while recording it to paper. Must know how to deal with numbers and write.



Lobby Receptionist

Job Description:


Works from the lobby desk to greet visitors and members of the Guard. Takes in letters, applications, contracts, and other request which are then delivered to the Captain-Commander. Answers visitors' inquiries about the company and sorts and hands out mail to enlisted members of the Guard.




Job Description:


Charged with production of maps, including construction of projections, design, compilation, drafting, and reproduction. Maps charted by the cartographers are used by enlisted members of the Guard for operations and missions as well as tactic planning.



Administrative Job Pay Rates:


Accountant: Weekly Salary of 100k Gil

Scribe: Weekly Salary of 100k Gil

Clerk: Weekly Salary of 75k Gil

Receptionist: Weekly Salary of 50k Gil

Cartographers: Weekly Salary of 75k Gil




((Note: A member with multiple jobs gets pay for all jobs they work.))

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