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R'tashana Hhaig's “Night Before Starlight Celebration”


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Brief setup: Tashana is a recently freed slave who resides at the Phoenix Rose. This is something that happened to her on Starlight Celebration Eve.



Twas Starlight Celebration Eve, when all through the Rose

Not a creature was stirring, not even the crows

Tashana’s yukata was hung in her closet with care

Her regular clothes in the dresser, so Tashana was bare!

The rest of the residents were all snug in their beds

While visions of freedom danced in their heads

And Vaughn in his ‘kerchief and Jaques in his cap

Had just settled their brains for a long winter’s nap

When outside her window there arose such a clatter

She sprang out of bed to see what was the matter

She threw open the window with style and flair

Then realized she was naked, so found something to wear

The moon shone down on the new fallen snows

It covered everything, even the chocobos

When what to her wondering eyes should appear

But a stranger on the lawn, and she started to fear

But when she looked a bit closer, she formed an idea

“It’s Starlight Celebration Eve, so this is the Saint of Nymeia!”

In a sled pulled by coeurls, those beautiful cats

He called out their names and they took off like bats

“Now Morris! Now Toonces! Now Scratchy and Lion-O!

On Sylvester! On Azrael! On Garfield and Figaro!

To the top of the porch! To the top of the wall!

Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!”

So up to the top of the Phoenix Rose did they fly

With a sled full of gifts and that magical guy

She rubbed her eyes once, not believing what she saw

But then she heard on the roof the scratch of each coeurl paw

As she drew in her head and was turning around

Down the chimney he came with a leap and a bound

His skin covered with ashes. Oh what a sight!

Tashana first thought he must be a Duskwight

A bundle of gifts he had flung on his back

And he looked like a peddler just opening his sack

His eyes were dark brown, but yet they still twinkled

The bell on his cap, with each step it tinkled

His mouth had just a small overbite

And the beard on his chin was black as midnight

A hot roast beef sammich was in his right hand

He took a big bite as the room he then scanned

He had a thin face but a round little belly

That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly Elezen

If Jaques ate too much, this he could have been!

A wink of his eye and a twist of his head

Let Tashana know she had nothing to dread

He spoke not a word, but went straight to work

He took all Vaughn’s stockings, giving Tashana a smirk

And laying a finger aside of his nose

He walked out the front door of the Phoenix Rose

He rushed to the lawn, gave his coeurls a shout

They flew to the ground and then turned about

He climbed in and left, but as he rode out of sight

He called “Happy Starlight Celebration to all! And to all a good night!”



Merry Christmas, everyone!

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