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New players looking for a home(Also Hello!)


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Hay everyone just thought i'd introduce myself i will (Hopefully) be called Myri by the time i get to rolling on a new server i've been rping for heck knows how many years now on tabletop, Roll 20, WoW, GW2 and the likes.


I'm a returning player to the game i played a long time ago but sadly the friend circle i had then kinda drifted apart (and the server issues didn't help much at the time to my enjoyment) currently on Cerberus or something like that, stumbled upon this site and here i am!


But i do have to include a question in this introduction, the server i'm on is currently..well it does pve and that's about it however i am searching for a new rp server to call home for me and a few others starting the game is there any populated EU servers that you can suggest to us to roll on? 


Sorry my introduction is a tad short this was to mainly say hi and poke at people's brains so we can get ourselves on the right server!


Thanks for taking time to read it, Hope to hear from people!

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Hello hello!


I'd just like to add that there's a fee to transfer - I think it's around 11 pounds, but I can't remember for sure. I also moved from Cerberus over to Balmung for RP, hello fellow transfers :P


Many events on Balmung don't happen until past midnight. Thankfully there are several EU LS and FCs, and more events are often held at EU friendly times, but it's usually evening/late night as opposed to during the day.


Balmung is open sometimes, and I imagine it'll be open more often now the holidays are over. There's a thread here which has a little more info, but it might be worth waiting and checking back often during the morning/afternoon as that's when it's usually open (and off peak time for US players).

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Hm despite the cost to move i think i may as well do that saves me waiting around! I'll find a race/class i enjoy before moving over! (Thinking Duskwright Rogue) so looks like i'll have to wait a little bit for my friends to be able to come with me.


Thanks again for the replies, i'll probably be here again in a week or so asking about Free companies!


See you all till then!

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