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The Resolve

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The Linkshell: The Resolve is a medium to heavy freeform roleplaying group focused entirely on providing a good storyline to the Balmung community as a whole.



We stand as an overzealous paramilitary brotherhood that sees itself as Ishgard's protectors from beyond the Gates of Judgement.



The Resolve desires to bring back a sense of community outside of just sitting around taverns and player housing, to give it's members and those who join us a sense of something bigger in the world that we all love and enjoy. 



[align=center]Our highest priority is telling a story to those who desire it, as well as a place for others to connect their own stories into the main plot and really make something memorable for everyone. 




Joining the Free Company, the Linkshell, or simply roleplaying with us from the outside is welcomed and encouraged. We want everyone to connect and have a place roleplaying within and of course outside of our guild.



The Resolve of the Fury consists of three arcing constantly progressing storylines for the members to partake within:



-Fight alongside your brothers-in-arms against the injustices and evil that they believe has stained majority of civilization. 



These men and women are zealots to their beliefs and cause, even by Ishgardian standards. They believe the only right way, is the Ishgardian way of thinking and anyone whom opposes such ideals are the likely root to a widespread corruption that is ailing the rest of the cities.  



Join your fellows in the Resolve of the Fury, hunt those who would see damage done to the lands around them, defend the ways the Archbishop has preached from beyond the Gates of Judgement, be the catalyst to change in these lands enveloped by greed and chaos.



-The formation of the Resolve of the Fury, the conversion of the non-believers to the Ishgardian code.



With such lofty  aspirations and questionable goals, the Hounds of Judgement require much more firepower then just themselves. Recruitment into the paramilitary brotherhood has become one of the highest priorities to the three.



However, while they stand with open arms to their fellows from Ishgard, it's become much more of a necessity to convert those of the other cities into their cause. Those who have been sealed outside the gates, those whom simply were never taught any better. They are the ones the Hounds wish to lead away from the ever-looming darkness. 



To teach and train these men and women, mentally, physically, spiritually and forge a new force to seek and destroy the many threats ahead.



Of course such a feat holds a risky endeavor within itself, giving away their faces, names, and some of their locations to outsiders let alone attempting to teach outside cultures that their own beliefs hold wrong. With a constant tug-of-war ahead, progressing those who choose to live by their code by mind, body, and soul will remain a constant struggle, with the unknown lurking around every corner.



-The one behind the Hounds of Judgement, The mystery behind it all.



The three always appear to be in control of their own fates, whims, desires but is the truth really so black and white? Certain tasks seem off, certain targets may not fall under the category of corrupt. Yet the Hounds continue to partake in such missions.



Those who earn their trust may see there is another after all, whom's 'requests' fall entirely out of their beliefs. Discover just who this man is admist the Ishgardian society and just why he has the Resolve going against their own beliefs for his own hidden agenda.



However, the deeper one indulges within the unknown, the more dangerous the unknown becomes. Corruption exists in all forms, even in those who have sworn to vanquish it.



Among many other future stories as the free company/linkshell progresses as a whole.



In the end, we are very much an antagonist guild under the premise of belief in our cause. To those within the Resolve, we're doing an act of justice. To everyone else, we should likely appear as the villains.



Recruitment is done in a case by case basis, personalized for each member that joins.



If this is something that sounds appealing to you, Please feel free to contact me here or one of the following names in game.



Malek Zhevalier

Varmaut Zhevalier

Brock Praetus






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