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Service Add: Inessa Hara, Investigator for higher.

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In time's of uncertainty, where you cant ask the law for help and there is nobody left to turn too, there will always be one you can ask for aid.



Inessa Hara, professional Investigator, fighter, treasure hunter, seeker of secret's. You name it, Inessa can discover it or hunt for it, for a modest fee of course.



If you desire a professional on the Job, and excellent service, then please seek out Inessa in her office, located right across the Quicksand.    ((x11, y8))    If she is not present there, or the door is locked, please seek her out in the quicksand, or contact her via Courier.


Disclaimer: Inessa Hara is not official law enforcement. She is a private investigator. As a result, she cannot accept contract's that involve the apprehension of people without bounty's out for them. Otherwise, everything else is fair game and she can accept most contract's. She reserves the rights to refuse or abort contract's. Payment must be upfront. Not all payment is expected though. Full payment is expected upon contract completion. Terms of the contract are not renegotiable once they have been agreed upon. She will refund the full amount of gil she is given if she aborts the contract. She will however keep payment if the other party wishes to back out of it. Client Confidentiality is guaranteed.

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