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My in-game name is Tenni Zen and I would like to introduce myself.

Only yesterday I've transferred to Tonberry server seeking not only role-playing community, but to practice my Japanese as well. I'm not sure if my timezone (+3 GMT) will do me any help, but I hope I can deal with it.


MMORPG background:

FFXIV is actually my first MMO in a long time. I used to play Mu Online when I was young and Guild Wars. But then I've spent my time playing games like Audition and High Street 5. I've enjoyed the latter, because I've met many interesting people who were into it, literally living there, dating someone and making dramas (haha).


RP experience:

Never roleplayed actually, but wish to try it.


Character ideas/info:

A scholar from far away. He knows two languages (actually Russian is my native language) and studies the third. Well educated, but never try to get into discussions for various reasons such as seeing no point (somewhat arrogant, shy, lazy and may be afraid of telling wrong). He depends on his fairy and sometimes wants no company but her. Their strong bond is a result of long adventures and studies together.


I'm not sure how to put it together, but I want my character to have a dark side where he puts his white mage uniform, loosing his personality and spirit bonding with no emotions nor words. Just like a doll or an empty cocoon, I guess?


How did you learn about the coalition?

Just by googling RPing in FFXIV


What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

Because I'm new to the whole thing I feel I should start with light RP.


Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

In 2012 I've finished my university and went to Tokyo for a week, visited many places including TGS. After that I fell in love with the Japanese modern culture even more then I did, expanding my interest not just for games or anime, but history, people, traditions, the whole thing. Sure my interest in anime started it all and even now it somehow influences me (watching Log Horizon made me register on this forum in the end), but lately I spend far less time on this and do my best to get myself a better person overall, self-studying, working, trying something new, looking for new opportunities.

I think registering here, getting to talk to people, RPing might help me not just to enjoy this game more, but influence my real life in a good way.


Thank you for your time! I hope we can get along well!

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