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[Cactaur] Looking for RP friends and connections!

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Hello everyone! I am currently looking for some new RP friends and connections! Unfortunately, I am based in the Cactaur server. So I'm looking to see if there are any Cactaur RPers out there. I also RP quite a bit on Skype IM, so that's also a possibility. Or any other medium. Although, I'm a bit iffy on forum RP. I'm not really that good at it! I'm currently looking for casual RP for the time being, at least as far as FFXIV is concerned. I haven't fully fleshed out the back story for my character yet, other than the fact that he's a miner by trade! Anyway, I'll put my contact information at the bottom of this post. Please feel free to post on this thread/contact me if any if you are interested! I look forward to hearing from you all! :)


A Little About Me: Most of my RP experience comes from GW1, GW2, and SWTOR. My character name in SWTOR was Tal'cress Caelan and my main in GW 2 is Tarim Aurion. Some of you might have seen me around! I maily RP in-game or on Skype IM, but am pretty flexible about other mediums too. So whichever you prefer! ..And I think that's it for now, yeah!


Contact info



GW 2: Tarim Aurion


FFXIV: Tylarc Caelan


Skype: tylarc_the_only


Once again, hope to hear from some of you!

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