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A.E.T.H.E.R. (Disbanded)


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Found on a pamphlet in an info packet

The Academy of Exceptionally Trained Hydaelyn Explorers and Researchers is one of Eorzea's most unique institutions of learning, in that it encompasses a wide assortment of interests. AETHER prides itself on the caliber of its Academicians as well as its varied innovative research projects, which both contribute to its success and reputation. Having recently undergone internal restructuring, the Academy is completely focused to emphasize these aspects of its mission.


Many classes will be available for any student-hopeful to pursue with our staff of Academicians. As time passes and experience grows, we hope to expand our knowledge on a variety of subjects so that we may offer new curriculum. Within the four Paths â War, Mind, Magic and Hand, every field of study will find its own place, from reading and writing to mastery of arms and the arcane.

Research and Creativity

AETHER is proud of its mission and aims to be at the forefront of Eorzea's technological and magical innovations and research. In the future, financing programs will be available to support projects that show exceptional potential, whether to develop something new or to improve upon prior research. This covers classic research subjects as well as wholly new fields of study.


Although Gridania may be considered a perfect place for the main facilities of the Academy, it would be a shame to consider it a restriction. There is constant work to form ties with facilities and organizations in other city-states, and the Academy welcomes all races, sexes, backgrounds, and creeds. This approach contributes to collaboration among a wide variety of backgrounds and schools of thought, which will ultimately help form a broader body of knowledge within the Academy.

The Academy Premises

While the Academy premises are currently under construction, they are and will continue to be a fascinating ensemble of facilities meant to accommodate any and all types of training and study. AETHER tirelessly seeks to take advantage of new discoveries; our refurbished facilities are designed to house the latest tools, which we hope to put to good use for the betterment of the Academy and of society at large. Within Academy grounds also lie social halls which often act as hubs of interaction between adventurers, researchers, politicians, and soldiers; in short, a place where everyone can congregate to discuss anything that they desire.

True to its Goals

Above all, every action the Academy takes is done in pursuit of its overarching goals to provide those who wish to learn, research, or collaborate a place to do so in order to better themselves, and thereby Eorzea as a whole. Young and old will find a welcoming place to learn openly, where they may pursue their mental, physical, and social predilections individually, and contribute to the development of new discoveries and innovations as a larger group of like-minded peers.


This, is the The Academy of Exceptionally Trained Hydaelyn Explorers and Researchers.




The Details


  • A.E.T.H.E.R.

  •    * Server: Besaid    * Website: Guildlaunch site    * Primary Timezone: Eastern    * RP Level: Heavy    * RP Element: School of Adventurers, Exploration, Learning.    * Linkshell Chat: IC, some marked (( )) OOC allowed    * Ventrilo: Available and encouraged for OOC Chat    * Headquarters: Gridania    * Cross-Guild Interactions: Very Open    * Leadership:
    • Illias Naystar - Chancellor
      Aldrisi Shirantas - Ambassador
      Verence Meillune - Quartermaster

About UsThe Academy of Exceptionally Trained Hydaelyn Explorers and Researchers is a heavy roleplaying linkshell, initially sprung from the mind of a maniacal Lalafell, and then lovingly formed into the group of close-knit, adventurous players it is today. We are one of the original RP linkshells on Besaid.Recall, if you will, the school in so many Final Fantasy titles that houses learning related to magic, sword-play, exploration, adventuring, etc. We are that school. Nestled in Gridania's Lily Hills, AETHER's head quarters (warning: currently under construction!) offers a peaceful location to promote learning and exploration. Many of our characters have individual goals related to the research of specific fields throughout Eorzea and this is precisely what we encourage. The Academy is a conglomerate of inquisitive minds bent on unlocking the secrets of the world we've chosen to role play in. We utilize a "Path" system in order to encourage AETHER members to experience all areas of study rather than confining them to a single purpose. The Paths are:    

  •  Magic
       This is where everything related to Magic takes place. Secured rooms for offensive casting training, research facilities, and so on. The Theory of Magic can be studied and taught in this wing      
  • War    
        This section is perhaps the most straightforward. Classes for tactical studies, sparring rings and gymnasium, everything needed for such physical activities, including but not limited to sports of all kinds and practice on training dummies    
  • Hand      
        Everything that is manual dexterity, crafts, cooking, and so on. This wing will have dedicated rooms for each, ensuring access to proper facilities for all who have authorization, as well as for all the Academicians to use their talents or develop some new ones    
  • Mind      
        The only thing not covered by game mechanics, philosophy, arts, history, economics, etc. This Path will be dedicated to all of those and other theme that are of the same type. It would also house a small stage for theater and acting, as well as classes with maps and charts as we can all imagine them.

All those studying these paths will be considered Academicians of AETHER and under this singular title, we hope to promote a sense of equality amongst our ranks. An Academician is a dedicated member who considers the Academy their first priority and evolves as a character in the capacities of researcher, instructor, adventurer, or any other appropriate vocation. The Academy is ICly meant to be involved in the community and as such, projects are in development to promote two different, and official, layers of interaction the outside world can have with the Academy: Student membership, and corporate outsourcing.The student membership is for all those individual characters that want to learn, have access to the facilities of the Academy or otherwise have anything to do with AETHER but that don't want to or can't join as a full fledged and dedicated Academician. Outsourcing is the official way AETHER will be able to provide other groups / shells or organizations with services they require. Be it sending someone to teach something to a group, gathering specialists to assist in a certain endeavor or simply reinforce a strike force, the Academy will be there to accept requests. In the future, the Academy also seeks to provide a hub to match those looking for employment with the various individuals and agencies of Eorzea who wish to hire skilled labor.The OOCAs a linkshell, we emphasize Quality over Quantity. Fresh recruits will find the organization to be respectful, welcoming, and simply nice. That is because all members of AETHER, whether they are new or experienced with roleplaying, have completed an application to ensure the maturity of themselves and their characters. Our process of application review is particularly helpful for new roleplayers.What you get when interacting with the Academy members or by joining us is the chance to befriend skilled and sociable people, and that is perhaps the most important thing of all.We will nevertheless engage in any and all end-game activities Square Enix will launch in the coming years, without ever forgetting our role as a Roleplaying linkshell.How to applyIf you are interested in joining the Academy, please follow the guidelines that concern the type of application you would like to submit:

  • To become a dedicated Academician, simply follow our new applicant's guide on our site whenever the application status is Open. Make sure to read through the guide entirely and the resources it links to.For a student type membership, it will have to wait until the project is developed and ready. Thank you for your patience, we hope to provide a great experience by having a defined process.Outsourcing request will also be in place soon.

This post will be updated when the new sections are open, and each time the status of the applications changes.Links[*] Information section-New Applicants' Guide-Historical document: IC structure proposal. Feel free to contact us via PM or post on our forums

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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 month later...

The rough framework of the student program has been settled, and can be read in the link above. Now more than ever, input both IC and OOC is important as things are not yet set in stone, but we'll soon be getting things started. There will be an IC interest meeting on Friday the 30th at 8pm EST, which will have an accompanying IC announcement soon. The date's a bit unfortunate, but due to my own regrettable schedule I may not have time to get things started properly for a long while if they don't get rolling soon...


I fully understand this isn't the most convenient time of year for this sort of thing with many people out of town, so the program will probably be a continual process of refinement as ideas and discussion crop up. Feel free to use the above link to chime in, or to PM me either ICly or OOCly at any time. Here's hoping for a fun, accessible framework to encourage RP and interaction!

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  • 3 months later...

Well, it's been somewhat of a long and rocky road for AETHER, and not of the delicious icecream variety. Which is a shame, because Rocky Road > all other flavors. Where was I? Oh, yes. AETHER. I'll spare the eulogy and say simply this: AETHER, as an organization, is closing down. Most of our members (myself included!) have chosen online communities other than FF XIV to be part of, and though we may someday return, for now AETHER, as a body of members, simply has no presence in Eorzea. We wish the best for the Balmung roleplaying community and hold high hopes for a reunion in the future!

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