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Greetings! I am Heson, although in game I'll go by some other name. (Sami Nelhah I Just managed to squeeze onto Gilgamesh cause Balmung is locked down tighter than Fort Knox)


I just started a free trial, looking for a possible new setting for roleplaying. I've rped on forums and various MMOs for as long as I remember (and I still make mistakes!). I am hoping to find that spark that will reignite the fun I've been missing in my online gaming. I don't play games for the fun or how easy/hard it is. I play to enjoy the story and to become part of it, I just play games to roleplay.


I already said that I'm on a free trial and my knowledge of the world that is FF14 is a total of 0, but I hope to learn about it as I play and to hear it from other roleplayers as I weave a story of my own. I hope to find new people and new friends to enjoy in this world and to walk with me as I learn.

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