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Sigrid Jerriksdottir

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I. Basic Info 


  • Characters: Sigrid Jerriksdottir

  • Linkshells: None yet.

  • Primary RP linkshell: None yet.




II. RP Style 


  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):

  • Medium to heavy, depending on what's happening in the day and the style that my RP partners are going for. I'm flexible and adjustable. 
  • Views on RP combat and injuries:

  • Coming from a bit of a DnD background, I am very fine with rolls being used in RP combat. It kind of turns most fights into coin tosses unless both parties agree on modifiers to be used and whatnot, but I do think it preferable to straight emoted-out fights, unless both parties absolutely trust each other to give fair resolutions and sense. Everyone dislikes losing and so some arbitration is needed. Outside of a duel system (And the 1v1 balance in every MMO is consistently -terrible-), rolls and accompanying emotes are the optimal way to RP out a fight.
    FF features a world where healing magic seems very common, but all the same I am fine with RPing out sensible injuries as they happen and until potential recovery.
  • Views on IC romance:

  • Sure, if it happens it happens, and what that entails depends on the comfort level of the partner. I'm fine with whatever.
  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):

  • These usually develop through IC happenings and ties (Blood bonds, marriage, ect) so yeah, I'm fine with that. If someone wants to play a sibling or whatever of my character, then that'd be something to OOCly arrange if I like you or not.
    I'm generally not a fan of pregnancy RP and so don't expect Sigrid to get knocked up.
  • Views on lore:

  • Canon lore is what it is and I'll abide by it gladly and generally hope others do as well. But it's also not the most comprehensive set of lore, so fanon also is what it is and I'll do as I can to learn that and respect it.
  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):

  • /say and /em are the primary means of IC interaction and I will make use of those most of the time. More private affairs can be conducted in /party or tells. I am fine with IC and OOC linkshells/FC chats if the conventions are properly delineated. 



III. Other Info 

  • Country:United States

  • Timezone:GMT -6:00

  • Contact info:Forums, Steam: niryain, Skype: niryain





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