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Sales of art for gil/in-game items/housing forbidden

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Please be aware that selling art for gil is forbidden by Square-Enix policy. According to Lead Game Master Enkrateia:




This thread was brought to my attention, along with the other thread that was linked. I wanted to clarify the policies related to real money trading, farming, and power leveling, since this thread does place a slightly different viewpoint on the discussion. While the creation of art can carry a different connotation than real money in terms of something to exchange for gil, your skills and the results of their application (in this case, art) are considered something of real world value. When considering it under this view, the exchange of art for in game currency would be considered a violation of the rules and may result in account actions.


I hope that this helps clarify this question about the application of our policies.


LGM Enkrateia


(emphasis mine)


Therefore, pursuant to the Materials Use License that governs this site (which does not permit any promotion of forbidden activities in game), all threads advertising art of any sort, commissioned or otherwise, for gil are forbidden as of February 12, 2015. Please, delete any reference to gil prices, requests for items, or requests for housing in your posts so I don't have to delete or lock such threads.


You may continue to offer artwork for real life money, however.


I'm frankly as surprised as I'm sure the rest of you are, but as this comes from a Lead GM, unless it's reversed by a dev, that's SE's policy and thus our policy.


You can discuss this policy change by Square-Enix here.

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