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T9 to FCoB Static Seeking BRD

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I can try to recruit here, right?... Why not!


So, I lead a static, have been for a week in fact. We're still in the half-formative phase of 'people come in and out as they learn if they're compatible with us or not. And if they can even make times.' We're a semi-casual group comprised of people that just haven't managed to clear T9 yet for some reason or another. My reason is that I've been playing the game for just two and a half months now stop judging me. I won't judge your reasons, whatever they might be. What I will say is that having a static to learn phases and meshing with is a hell of a lot better than trying to join random learning parties on PF or spamming DF until you win the jackpot of queuing into a 7-man that all have it on farm. But unfortunately at the moment all I need is a BRD. So if you're a BRD of at least 105-110 or so ilevel and a degree of competency in your class, along with a willingness to learn and improve, feel free to sign on.


Now the relevant information. We raid T/Th/F from 8:30-10:30 PM US Eastern, and Teamspeak 3 is required. You'd be expected to attend all raids unless something significant comes up in real life, at which point I'd expect to be informed adequately beforehand that you'll miss. If you miss two unannounced nights in a month, you're out. I do judge performance but so long as you're not making the same mistakes night after night after night I'm pretty laid back. It's a learning process after all.


This is a great time to get in my group. We just started T9 progression last night, so we're all on the first phase page of learning the fight as a group, so we won't even get mad when you need a pull or two to learn meteor placement!


When (If[Really hopefully when]) we clear T9, it'll be to FCoB and a hopeful T13 clear. Ideally this group will stick together into Alexander for Heavensward too.

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