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In light of slowness getting back on applications I’d like to offer an apology (again)! These past few weeks, the semester has been eating my life. I am (was) a first-year college student, so figuring out finals-season has been somewhat of a learning curve considering that I go to school on the east coast and class schedules had to be adjusted a few times due to inclement weather so, uh... Knowing what was going on at any given point in time has been a little difficult!

Additionally, a lot of our officers have been similarly busy, and between life, academics, and work, there are a good number of applications that have slipped through the cracks.


I’m going to be doing my absolute best over the course of this upcoming week to get through applications, in order of their submission date. I will also encourage the other officers to do the same as much as they’re able, so if you get a random poke on Discord and you have applied to the LS since the start of the new year, then chances are pretty good it’s one of us!! 


So so so sorry again!



P.S. After outstanding applications are taken care of, keep an eye out for a huge recruitment update!


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