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Onsen Rules

Mixed Baths:  Mixed Baths are only allowed in reserved private sento rooms or on specific days set by Uranami Onsen. Denizens that participate in Mixed Baths absolutely MUST wear bathing swimsuits or yugi which are garments that are designed for bathing. There is no exception to this rule.

Showering:  Before entering an onsen, each guest is expected to wash and thoroughly rinse themselves before joining the hot-baths. There are bathing stations which you may use, including stools, buckets and toiletries. Please feel free to use the amenities. Make sure you completely rid yourself of dirt and soap before entering the spring.

Concerning Swimwear:  Swimwear is required during Mixed Bath sessions regardless if in public baths or in private sento rooms. During same-sex bathing; a swimsuit is optional.


Towels:  Guests are allowed to bring a small towel with them into the onsen, please only use the provided handtowels. You are welcome to use these as a small cover between the bath and spa if you so choose. Further we encourage spa-goers to place their damp hand towel on their head as it is quite comfortable! Large towels are only used to drape around you from the hanger in the onsen to the changing area.

Smoking : Is not permitted in public baths. Please consider visiting our izakaya on our first level.

Sexual Activities: Are absolutely prohibited in any part of Uranami Onsen, private or public. Please be aware this is your only warning. Should any member of staff find a guest participating in such actions you will be asked to leave and will be escorted from the premises. (OOC Note: We are not an ERP guild.)

Safety:  Please do not submerse your head into the spa. Horseplay and Running in the bath are absolutely not allowed. Do not splash, disturb other spa-goers or create exceptional noise. Social chatter is welcomed and encouraged! Should you begin to feel dizzy or light headed please consider taking a break. It is easy to get overwhelmed or overheated and black out if you are not used to the warmth and minerals in our baths.


Izakaya Rules 
-Respect the izakaya staff
-Do not be belligerent 
-Pay your tab
-No fights
-No slamming tankards on the tables

**ALL PHOTOS represented here are royalty free stock images.


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