About This Club
Welcome to Aeons of the Twelve! We are a community for newbies/veterans to master and perfect their skills. Although we do have various differences that might separate us, it is the similarities which we share that keeps us connected. All members are encouraged to have the mindset of overcoming any challenges that stand before them, the potential to bring forth greatness and the spirit to strive for awesomeness!
The Aeons of the Twelve headquarters is located at the Twelve's Tavern. It is home to the Crystal Garden that is opened between 6am-12pm for breafkast and 6pm-12am for dinner, and the Carbuncle Lounge that is open 24/7. We offer room and board at a reasonable price. Should you wish to check-in at our elegant suites or dine-in from our luxurious menu selection, please visit the front desk by the Crystal Garden where they can assist you with all your needs and wants. And as always please enjoy your stay here at the Twelve's Tavern. May you rest happily and relax safely under Her light...
Group Type
Free Company
RP Intensity
Multifaceted Company operating in the fields of Information, Exploration, R&D, Trade & Solace. || "Happy hunting and safe adventuring!" - R.W.
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