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FC Information:

Style: Roleplay & Causal Content 
Theme: Adventures, Mercenaries & Merchants
RP Intensity: Social & Heavy roleplayers both welcome.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Allegiances: Grand companies
Seeking: Mercenaries, medical staff, and support staff
Timezone: Most events are based in CST (Central)
Operations: Plot 16, 3 Ward, The Lavender Beds (Medium)  
Joining: Officer Contact & Application   



Deep in the heart of the Black Shroud, a quiet corner of this city-state have been claimed. Established on August 12th, 2014  in Final Fantasy 14, our FC's mission is to bring you into a story that provides an active and immersive experience, drenched in story & character-driven roleplay and woven into a close-knit community.


We hope to build a FC that exudes the independent but dangerous life of Mercenaries, Adventures and Merchants while building a strong sense of community in and out of character. With our mix of characters & backgrounds, you are sure to find a home among the members Heartwood. Come and join us, if only for a little while. We host 2-4 roleplay & social events per month, along with out of character events such as Maps, Raids & other game content. Our discord channel is always open to allies and FC members alike.

Come, have a few drinks and play a few round of cards. Get to know us in character and out. Browse our lore, and character stories on our FC website.

If you'd like to join, just contact one of the guild's leaders or officers, and we'll get with you to answer any questions you might have, and organize your very own introductory RP with our other FC members! We ask that all new members please submit a site application~




The night was cold, and thunderous with rain. Outside, water fell in sheets so thick that it turned the windows opaque, reflecting nothing but the light within. Every once in a while, the guttering lanterns of an Adder would pass, barely visible as more than an ember in the fireplace’s reflection. Here and there, travelers huddled beneath thick cloaks, soaked to the bone and chilled, despite the fireplace’s warmth. Around a few small tables sat many chairs, a handful of them occupied, each person keeping to themselves as they ate their hearty, hot stew, and tried to ignore the torrential storm that seemed close to flooding out the town.

Aside from the travelers, however, there sat a dozen people closest around the fire, drinking and talking merrily while passing around fresh bread and bowls of stew, acting as if the downpour had hardly any grasp on them; as if the darkness outside were beneath notice, safe and snug within. Some were swaddled with bandages and ribbed no less by their companions for it, and they laughed back as raucously, even as they carefully nursed their bowls and steins. Despite the safety of the small tavern within the small town of Bentbranch, some still wore their weapons, and a few wore armor still, drawing the occasional, silent looks from those unfamiliar to the area. Most telling, however, was the occasional passage of a member of the Grand Company, clad in their bright yellow, and soaked to the bone, but still taking the time to dip their heads and offer thanks to the raucous adventurers & mercenaries.

At one little side table sat two; a man in a thick woolen cloak, which had long-since shed the rain he had walked through, and a huddling Elezen, who had wrapped around him a coarse blanket as if it were his last refuge. Every now and again, the man would look to the adventurers, and return to his bowl, as gloomy as the night itself. Finally, irritated with the Elezen’s solemnity, the Hyur spoke to him. “Now, then, what’s all this noise?” He gestured to those gathered ‘round the hearth. “Who are they, and what makes them so important?”

The Elezen looked to the Hyur as if he had interrupted the silence, and only spoke with great reluctance. “They are from Heartwood.”

The Hyur scoffed, “Never heard of the place? Is that meant to mean something?”

In response, the Elezen simply shook his head. “They are from Heartwood. A mercenary company.”

At that, the Hyur made a show of rolling his eyes adding an unpleasant noise in his throat. “Mercenaries. What’s so special about that lot?”

With that, the Elezen frowned, his expression grave, his eyes cold. “You travel on the road with others, do you not? Guards, even this close to city-states?”

“Well, of course,” was the haughty reply. “It can be dangerous to go about unguarded. Thieves and brigands haunt these woods and fields.”

“Haunt,” the Elezen replied, as if the word amused him. “Appropriate. But bandits are far from all in these lands…Elezen, Hyur, Roegadyn... are the least of the monsters that dwell here.”

With that, the man looked offended though he briefly held the insult that came first to his tongue. “Oh? And what are they then? Monster hunters? Do they bandy snake oil in their spare time and offer to kill rats for money?”

The Elezen drew himself standing and shed the blanket. Beneath, he was dressed in tattered clothing with rusted chainmail showed through. Emblazoned on his left breast was a strange sigil like a crescent moon with antlers branching from one side. “Not just monsters… Nor just bandits, nor just brigands. Nightmares. You… Do not know what dwells in the night. Be grateful for that. They know.”

He nodded to the mercenaries with a slow gesture, respect and reverence clear in his features. “They stand between us and the night. Cling to your daylight; you do not know how deep the shadow goes.”





What do we offer?

-- Monthly RP events that includes both Short Term & Long Term events based around, Personal Storylines offered by wide mix of members, social gatherings and public events.
-- Active and welcoming members.
-- A FC that welcomes both new and veteran roleplayers. No matter your class or race, we will do our best to find you a place among us.
-- Frequent roleplay among members in both private and public settings.

-- Small, tight-knight community with OOC events.

-- Active Discord & website.

-- Casual Game Progression & Help for new players: Maps, Raids, Trials, Dungeons, Leveling & Guildhest.

What are we looking for?

-- Quality over Quantity! 
-- Be active. As a FC we are looking for fun and active members that will help build our small community. That being said, real life comes first & we understand if you can’t always attend events. 
-- Take Initiative! No matter the rank, our members are free to plan & start guild events.
-- Basic Lore Knowledge, RP Skills & Spelling/Grammar skills. 
-- The willingness to learn & grow with the FC.



How to join?

-- Contact an Officer. They will be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.
-- Join the discord & submit an application. https://tinyurl.com/HW-Ventures
-- Accept the Free Company & Linkshell invite. 
-- Plan your short IC interview & hiring with the Free Company! 


-- Nyscera Alarone (FC Leader) -- contact in game
-- Elanie Luciole (FC Officer) – contact in game
-- Rath Alarone (FC Officer) -- contact in game
-- Iroh’a Neith (Site Officer) -- Iroh'a#9800

Officer - Alts

-- Bayar Himaa
-- E’yami Ahmun
-- N’everynn Alarone
-- Ujin Moks

Credit to member Eri' Oni for the work on the homepage.


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