About This Club
[Crystal][Goblin][LFM][RPers][Non RP Casuals]
<Fate Breakers> is recruiting new members! We're a mixed-RP FC that is composed of both RPers and non-RPers. We're also a group of adults that understand that your real life takes priority and we're looking for like-minded, social members to join our band of misfits. We host several events throughout the week to accommodate a variety of schedules.
What are we looking for? 18+, People who can take a joke, And people who can dish them out, Social individuals
Please god no more Au Ra or cat people. Just kidding, you'd fit right in.
So what do we have to offer? Maps, Mount farms, RP events, Roulettes, Several people with extremely handsome Discord voices, A femroe, Bad puns and Frank discussions about Au Ra anatomy.
Interested in joining or have any questions? Feel free to shoot one of us a message.
Contact Information: @Rosekitten#0317 In-game: Ganbaatar Lundr
Group Type
Free Company
RP Intensity
Sky Pirates, Slice of Life
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