Mission statement and core roleplay mechanics:
A call to all would be knights, heroes, and bastions. Norvalla is founded on three core principles. Virtue, that each member holds themselves to a moral standard befitting heroism, from our Recruits to our First Warden. Liberty, that each member has the freedom to follow and accomplish their own goals and dreams, be it within or without the free company. Kinship, that each member is not treated as a hindrance but to be uplifted by one another. Through kinship can any member acquire aid from another, to achieve their passions.
Through these core principles Norvalla soars like a phoenix. Consecrating all within it’s searing pass. Norvalla’s main priority is routing evils that plague the common folk of the star, whether the common folk know it plagues them or not. In addition many within have their own goals to pursue, and through kinship are able to accomplish them.
While most roleplay within the free company is of the casual variety and doesn’t have to play by rules, Norvalla has several roleplay mechanics in play to assist in making roleplay a meaningful and orderly experience. Firstly there is the Mentor Program. This is a system offered to every new member, pairing them with an elder member, in a sort of squire knight relationship. In essence the Mentor Program is meant to give the new member not only someone they can rely on to offer them aid, both OOCly and ICly, but also a friendly companion who will stand up for them as they begin to fit in within the Free Company.
The Free Company itself has an expansive leveling system, to pair with our loose RPG rules, fitted with its own set of feats and abilities that one can earn. Starting out within the ranks a new member will be freshly understanding their place within, and the leveling system represents this. Though as a new member levels, through the system, and forges their own path the rewards they will gain for doing such is extensive and rewarding.
The predominant way that a new member will rise through the leveling ranks is through weekly events. Through a number of experienced and exceptional DMs, Norvalla runs one to three events per week, rewarding equivalent experience to be used for the leveling system.These events are a mixture of independent character’s side stories, but will always contain at least one Norvallan “main story” event.
Norvalla is an experienced roleplaying community interested in forming character bonds, providing an avenue for character growth, and most importantly generating entertaining and amicable roleplay opportunities. We look forward to all interested inquiries, and will respond posthaste to discuss in character interviews.