As part of the Wayfarers' Ger storytelling night we run each week we're hosting a beach party! This is led by Yesunova Hotgo (my alt) and Etugen Hotgo. It is all steppes themed but all are welcome. Our menu is Mongolian inspired to keep it steppes friendly, as are our drinks too!
There will be a barbecue, alcohol, storytelling and bokh.
For food we will have:
Shorlog - Like a shish kebab
Boortstog - Like a donut
Khorkhog - BBQ'd meat and veg
Khuushuur - fried meat pocket
Steppe Salad
Buuz, plenty of buuz
For drinks we will have:
Arkhi - A milk vodka
Steppes on the Beach Cocktail - a "Sex on the Beach" with some ingredients swapped out
Sea Buckthorn Juice
As part of the storytelling we will have stories from Yesunova and a couple of our regulars and we will open the floor to any guests who with to participate.
The bokh aspect is intended as part of the fun rather than a tournament for prizes, people will be able to challenge each other, which will be refereed to ensure it is kept fair.
We have options for signup, which can help us plan any performers and bokh fighters in better. However, we will try to accommodate people on the night too.
Even more info can be found here on the event page: